
Snow White cream

By liliaturcin5


250 g of liquid whipped cream, 150 g of mascarpone cream, 2 tablespoons of icing sugar, the grated rind of half a lemon, the squeezed juice of half a lemon, 2 sachets of vanilla sugar, 3 sheets of isinglass, 2 tablespoons of hot water

Method of preparation

Soak the gelatin sheets in hot water for 10 minutes. Mix the cream with the icing sugar, the vanilla sugar, the grated lemon zest, the lemon juice and the hydrated and drained gelatin. Mix at medium speed for approx. 1-2 minutes until a fine and homogeneous cream is obtained. Add the mascarpone cream to the composition, mix a little more until it is well incorporated. Keep the cream obtained in the cold until it is used. After preparation, it can be placed in ice cream cups and served as a fruit dessert, or it can be used to fill cakes and puff pastry.

We wish you bon appetit and good cooking!