
Caramel popcorn

By Lilias

1/2 cup  corn  for cotufas or  popcorn

2 tablespoons oil

1/2 cup sugar

1/4 cup butter

1 tablespoon baking soda

Recipe steps

7And now enjoy! If you have any questions, go to my cooking channel on YouTube and you can watch the video step by step so you can do it perfectly.

1We start by placing the corn and oil and making the cotufas or popcorn in the traditional way.

2In a frying pan and using a WOODEN spoon (plastic ones melt) add the sugar and butter.

3We melt the butter and sugar and begin to mix tirelessly until a caramel is formed, it takes more or less 5 minutes over medium heat… don’t be scared because at first it seems that the sugar and butter separate, but in the end they unite, leaving a beautiful golden candy.

4After having the caramel ready, we turn off the pan

5Add a tablespoon of baking soda (this will help the candy not be so hard when it cools)

6Pour the caramel over the popcorn and stir everything very well, transfer it to a tray or bowl and let it cool.