
Shrimp Toasts

By Lilias

Ingredients needed:

fresh or frozen medium shrimp

red tomato cut into small cubes

finely chopped red onion

finely chopped cilantro leaves

finely chopped seeded green serrano chili

lemon juice

corn oil

sliced ​​avocado for garnish

salt and pepper

corn tostadas (you can buy them or you can make them by putting corn tortillas in the oven until they are crispy and toasted)

How to prepare:

You are going to put salted water in a pot to heat. (this is to cook the shrimp)

While the water is boiling, clean the shrimp of shells and remove the black vein that is on the back and wash.

Once it is boiling, add the shrimp and cook them until they change color to a pinkish color. Don’t leave them for too long because they become very hard and small.

Once they feel firm and have changed color, take them out of the water and put them in a bowl with ice water, this is to stop the cooking.

Once the shrimp are cold, drain them with a strainer and leave them until they no longer have water.

Meanwhile, in another bowl, add the tomato cubes, chopped onion, cilantro, chopped chili peppers, and shrimp.

For the shrimp, I suggest putting some whole and others cut to give it a little texture.

Mix all the ingredients and let it rest.

Prepare a kind of vinaigrette to season everything.

Mix (I recommend using a jar to shake) lemon juice and oil, season with salt and pepper.

Shake vigorously to emulsify the oil and that’s it.

Pour over the shrimp mixture and stir well.

Put it in the refrigerator half an hour before serving.

Adjust the seasoning after refrigerating.

Serve a good portion on each tostada and decorate with avocado.