
Here’s How to Promote Tomato Plant Growth Naturally

By Lesia

Tomato is an annual evergreen plant native to South America. To successfully grow this vegetable plant and obtain a generous harvest, it is important to add some fertilizer to the soil at planting time. Discover the ingredient you can add to the soil to obtain good tomato plants, both in pots and in the ground.

To boost the growth of tomato plants and get a generous harvest, consider fertilizing your plantation. For this, you can use natural and easily available fertilizers.

What natural ingredient can be added to soil to get good tomato plants?
tomato cultivation
To get vigorous tomato plants and improve the harvest, consider fertilizing your plantation with coffee grounds. Sprinkling some coffee grounds on the potting soil or using it as mulch helps promote the healthy development of tomato plants. In fact, coffee grounds are a good organic fertilizer for tomatoes and for good reason – they contain nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. These nutrients are important for the proper growth of tomato plants. However, be careful not to overdo it, at the risk of producing the opposite effect.

Besides being good for tomato plants, what are the benefits of coffee grounds?
vegetable ground coffee

Coffee grounds are an excellent fertilizer that can also be used as a compost activator. It is a substance or material that is added to compost to increase the number of microorganisms or improve its ability to break down composted waste. Simply put, a compost activator speeds up the decomposition of the materials that make up the compost. That being said, adding coffee grounds to compost stimulates the activity of microorganisms and worms that break down composted organic and plant waste.

In addition to that, coffee grounds are also a good repellent that keeps ants and gastropods, such as slugs, away. This way, you can protect your garden or vegetable garden plants from these pests that affect their good growth.

What other natural fertilizers can be used to help tomato plants thrive?
Epsom salt to stimulate the growth of tomato plants
Epsom salt is very effective in stimulating tomato growth. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of this salt in 4 liters of water and use this solution to water tomato plants. Repeat this operation every 4 weeks, from sowing to harvest. When tomato seedlings are still small, it is recommended to use a spray to water the young shoots, without drowning them.

Note that Epsom salt is also effective in preventing diseases and rots that can affect tomato plants, such as powdery mildew. To do this, when planting tomato seedlings , make sure to pour a tablespoon of Epsom salt at the bottom of the hole. Then cover it with a layer of soil, so that the roots do not directly touch the salt. Rich in magnesium, Epsom salt also helps to supplement mineral deficiencies in tomato plants to improve their growth.

Eggshells to promote the growth of tomato plants
Rich in calcium, eggshells are a natural fertilizer, effective in stimulating the growth of your plants, especially tomato plants. To do this, place pieces of eggshell in the planting hole when planting tomatoes. For tomato plants already in the ground, spread the eggshells over the soil. Watering and rain encourage the gradual release of calcium.

That being said, using natural fertilizers, such as coffee grounds, when planting tomatoes will allow you to promote the growth of vigorous plants to harvest beautiful organic tomatoes.