
Basil, you should NEVER harvest it like this: in a few days you make it rot

By Lesia

Basil should never be harvested in a certain way, as it can cause it to deteriorate quickly. Gardeners are well aware of the proper techniques for growing basil, ensuring that its lush foliage remains vibrant. Let’s explore the incorrect harvesting methods and how to maintain thriving basil plants.
When harvesting basil, it is essential to follow a specific approach to prevent premature decay and encourage continued growth. Additionally, it is essential to pay special attention to watering, as basil is sensitive to water stagnation.
To prevent root rot and promote abundant leaf growth, it is imperative to repot basil when necessary. Transferring it to a larger pot allows the roots to expand and strengthen the plant, ultimately encouraging healthier foliage.
Placing basil in a sunlit location is vital for its optimal growth, as it requires a minimum of 10 to 12 hours of sunlight per day. Whether placed on a windowsill, balcony, or garden, ensuring ample exposure to sunlight is essential.
While basil thrives in humid conditions, overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. Regular watering and biweekly fertilization help maintain the health and vigor of the plant.
Frequent harvesting of basil leaves promotes continued growth, with new leaves sprouting in place of those harvested. It is critical to leave a portion of leaves intact during each harvest to facilitate continued foliage production.
Preventing basil from flowering is crucial to maintaining leaf production. Pruning or removing flower buds as they form encourages the plant to focus on foliage growth rather than seed production.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure a plentiful supply of basil leaves for culinary use. Additionally, excess basil can be stored in the freezer to preserve its flavor for future use.
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