
This powder detergent is great not only for washing clothes, but also for the bathroom! Amazing results!

By Lesia

Did you think that  washing powder  was only good for washing machines? You were very wrong. Yes, because  this type of detergent  is also particularly useful for  cleaning our toilet bowl as well as possible  . Let’s see how.

Powder detergent with sodium percarbonate R5*: characteristics

Powder detergent  has a number of features that are absolutely functional for different purposes. Perhaps not everyone knows that the whitening properties of this detergent are impressive: the  granular composition itself  allows it to dissolve and “scratch” dirt.

Organic particles from dyes are easily destroyed thanks to the composition of the  granules  combined with water. In fact, the use of percarbonate powder detergent seems practically perfect for items such as towels and sheets, but also for all the clothes we use every day.

It is effective even at 60 degrees. Some powder detergents are enriched with  active oxygen   , which has an interesting peculiarity: that  of sanitizing and not polluting  or having a negative impact on the environment.

The real advantage comes from the presence of  sodium percarbonate R5.  Even the presence of this additional element allows the powder detergent to be considered an excellent product for heavily soiled laundry and heavily loaded washing machines.

Clean the bathroom with powdered detergent.

We have taken a look at the characteristics of powder detergent, let’s now move on to the particular use that can be made of it and which represents a kind of trick. This detergent, in fact, can be used to  better clean our toilet  .

The toilet bowl can often  be yellowish  and stained due to limescale and general use. This is normal and not a cause for concern. It is precisely from this perspective that washing powder is exceptionally useful.

Simply pour a  measuring spoon  into the bowl and flush the  toilet  . At this point it is advisable to wait for the water to finish flowing into the bowl and then start spreading the powder. We try to place more powder on the stains and the most yellowed parts.

Once this phase is complete, you will need  to wait at least thirty minutes  to allow the product to take effect. Once the necessary time has passed, you will then need to try to remove the excess product: you may be able to use a brush to help you.

As we scrape and remove the excess dust, we can notice that a lot of foam will form. We can also leave the brush in the toilet to clean it and then dry it.

Once this phase is completed, we can flush the toilet and immediately notice a toilet that is practically as good as