
Anthurium, how to care for it and grow it at home: only then will it live a long time

By Lesia

The  drug  does not only have an intended use as the known one. Its active ingredients and properties can also extend to plants, acting not only as a nutrient but also as a fertilizer. These are little tricks that gardening professionals use, after discovering how good it is  to put aspirin on plants.  There is no way around it, thanks to this drug, after a few minutes the plant will show something incredible.

Aspirin in plants, the nurseryman’s method.

Nurserymen try to give all kinds of tips to those who have a green thumb and those who want to learn. In any case, there are some  little unknown tricks  that can become essential for plant care.

Aspirin is usually used to treat headaches or to limit blood clots, but it is also great for plants in the home or garden. The active ingredient in this medicine is  acetylsalicylic acid.

The US Department of Agriculture has conducted some studies, highlighting how plants can  live longer by fighting off diseases  thanks to aspirin. That’s not all, in fact other studies have highlighted the properties of the medicine for gardens. Plants grow faster, the fruits are healthy and beautiful and are affected by far fewer diseases throughout the year.

What are the benefits of aspirin for the plant?

For this reason, experts recommend applying aspirin to plants, even those in the garden or at home. The  benefits are many and after just five minutes of application, a radical change will occur in the plant.

The  salicylic acid  contained in aspirin is a blessing for the roots, with rapid propagation. To help the plant, simply dissolve the aspirin in a cup of water and then dip the cutting in. After an hour, you will already have the first benefits.

It also acts on germination, with one  tablet in 5 liters of water  to improve flowers but also for garden plants.

Aspirin exponentially increases plant growth,  the University  of  Rhode Island found  . After spraying the rich aspirin and water solution once a month or three weeks later, there was rapid and healthy growth of flowers and fruits. Nurseries recommend applying the same system.

The drug can also be inserted into the soil of the plant, up to 5 tablets, and then watered as usual. This is a unique method to be able to provide nutrition and protection  in just five minutes.

No less important is the fact that it is able to cure plants when they are attacked by fungi. To cure or counteract it,  simply dissolve the aspirin in water  and then spray it over the entire plant or the affected areas. If you have any doubts, contact your trusted nurseryman directly, so that you can have beautiful and healthy plants.