
Zucchini flower omelette

By Lilias

Zucchini flower omelette is  a  simple and quick second course , ideal to enjoy both hot and at room temperature for a lunch at home with the whole family, or to take with you to the beach or for a picnic. The protagonists of the recipe are zucchini flowers , low-calorie vegetables, easily digestible, rich in vitamins and mineral salts: very versatile, they are usually prepared fried or stuffed , but they are also excellent as a condiment for delicious spring and summer dishes.

Our Elpidio shows you how to make a tall and soft omelette, using strictly fresh and firm courgette flowers : just remove the stem at the base, rinse and pat them gently, then add them to the beaten eggs together with salt, pepper and grated parmesan. At that point, all that remains is to cook the mixture in a non-stick pan greased with a drizzle of oil, turning the omelette after 10 minutes of cooking with the help of a plate, so that it firms up perfectly on both sides.

The result is a fragrant and tasty dish, ready to bring to the table together with a side of seasonal vegetables, but also suitable for filling sandwiches and tramezzini for an express meal , or to offer at aperitif time , cut into squares and accompanied by a glass of prosecco.

Of course, you can customize the preparation as you prefer, adding the ingredients at your disposal: get inspired by taking a look at our suggestions.

Find out how to prepare the courgette flower omelette by following the step-by-step procedure and advice. If you liked this recipe, also try the baked courgette flowers and the pan-fried courgette flowers , and try your hand at the courgette omelette , the vegetable omelette and the version with green beans .




Courgette flowers


Grated Parmesan cheese

80 gr

Extra virgin olive oil






How to make courgette flower omelette

Step 1

Start by cleaning the courgette flowers: open them delicately and remove the pistil at the base1, then immerse them in a bowl of cold water and clean them carefully, so as to eliminate any impurities.

Step 2

Arrange the courgette flowers well spread out on a clean tea towel, then pat them dry.2.

Step 3

Transfer them to a cutting board and cut them into thin strips.3, then set them aside.

Step 4

Crack the eggs into a large bowl, then season them with salt, pepper and grated parmesan.4and mix everything together with a hand whisk until you get a uniform mixture.

Step 5

At this point, add the courgette flowers to the egg and cheese mixture.5.

Step 6

Mix the ingredients well with a spatula or spoon.6.

Step 7

Grease the bottom of a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, let it heat up, then pour in the mixture, cover it with a lid7and let the omelette cook for 10 minutes.

Step 8

Once the cooking time has elapsed, the bottom of the omelette will be golden and well set: using a plate, turn it over.8, so that it cooks on the other side too.

Step 9

The courgette flower omelette is ready to be served: arrange it on a serving plate, cut it into wedges and enjoy it.9.


For a lighter dish and, if possible, even easier to prepare, you can prepare the courgette flower omelette in the oven : simply distribute the mixture inside a baking dish lined with baking paper and cook it on the central shelf of a static oven preheated to 190 °C for 25 minutes, or until the surface is well set.

If you like, you can enrich the recipe with cubes of cooked ham, speck matches or a little bacon browned in a separate pan, or cubes of fontina, scamorza, caciocavallo or another cheese of your choice, for a delicious stringy effect; instead of parmesan, for a stronger touch , you can use pecorino. You can also flavor the whole thing with a pinch of saffron or curry, or with a little thyme leaves: just a little will be enough, so as not to cover the delicate flavor of the courgette flowers.

Once ready, the courgette flower omelette can be eaten immediately or stored in the fridge , tightly closed in an airtight container, for a maximum of 1 day.