
Eggshells and their many benefits, we will never throw them away again!

By Lilias

As time passes, we understand certain things that were previously impossible to know. Such is the case of eggshells, of which we completely ignored their benefits and threw them away, thus discarding the solution to many of our home problems.

We usually use eggs in most of our preparations, be it cakes, creams, stews, etc. In this article we are going to tell you about their uses and benefits and how to make the best use of them.


Eggshell Utilities

1- Pest Control

To prevent insects such as caterpillars, slugs and other animals from attacking your plants both in pots and in the garden, eggshell can be the perfect option.

You only have to grind 5 to 6 egg shells and we spread that powder on the ground around the plants.

This considerably increases the PH of the soil, making it more alkaline, which keeps insects and other pests away from your plants.

2- Remove stains

To remove the stains from your cup/glass that are usually left by coffee, black tea, wine and more, you just have to prepare the following recipe with eggshells.

We boil the shells of 12 eggs, then remove them and let them dry. Once they are very dry, we grind them well until they become powder (to achieve this, the shells have to be very dry).

You grab the cup or glass that has the stain and fill it with hot water. Then you sprinkle the powder from the shells and mix. We just let it sit for 12 hours and the stains go away.

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3- Toothpaste

According to researchers from the United States who investigated the properties of the egg shell, they determined that it is a perfect product for dental health, strengthening and protecting the enamel that covers the teeth.

Pay attention to the following procedure to create a toothpaste:

You have to boil the shell of 12 eggs and let them dry. After time, we make sure to grind it well until it turns into powder.

In a bowl we throw all the peel powder together with 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 2 tablespoons of natural coconut oil and 10 drops of some oil with a good aroma, be it mint, rosemary or cinnamon and mix well to form a paste.

We keep the mixture in a jar with a lid and replace the typical toothpaste with homemade toothpaste.

4- Clothes Bleach

Over time, after several uses and washes, white clothes tend to become somewhat yellowish. We can solve this by using an eggshell-based bleach.

We have to crush several clean and dry eggshells into powder. We mix this powder with some thin slices of lemon and put it in a thin bag, which can be sealed hermetically.

We put the clothes that we are going to bleach in the bag and close it well. We let it sit for at least an hour, then we put it in the washing machine as usual and that’s it! You will notice the white clothes with much more shine.