
I always have a bottle of rice at home, this amazing thing saves me a lot of trouble.

By Lesia

How to clean a dirty bottle?
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Rice – Source: spm

It probably surprises you, but rice can clean a variety of containers. Do you often find it difficult to remove all the dirt encrusted in your glass bottles or jars? It is true that some parts are not easily accessible. It takes more effort and time to achieve the desired cleanliness and shine. The task is over! Thanks to this simple trick, cleaning will be much more optimal. Your bottles will be free of any traces of embedded dirt.

Here’s how:
First, rinse the bottle to remove any visible dirt.
Then, using a funnel, pour the rice into the bottle. About 3 tablespoons of rice are needed per 0.7 liter bottle. Then add hot water. Fill it enough so that the rice is slightly under water. You can also add a few drops of dishwashing soap.
Close the bottle with the lid, then shake it vigorously. Until the traces of dirt come off perfectly.
Once clean, pour the contents into a strainer so that the rice does not end up in the drain.
Then rinse the bottle with a little more water to remove any remaining rice grains.
NB: This method also works with vases, gourds, coffee pots and teapots. As a bonus, because rice absorbs moisture, it can prevent rust from forming on metal parts.

How to speed up the ripening of fruit?
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Fruit – Source : spm

Another tip: if you want your fruit to ripen faster, simply place it in a bag of rice. Its starch thus has the ability to contain a sufficient amount of ethylene to speed up the ripening process. In particular that of exotic fruits such as mango.

Rice, a moisture absorber
This cereal is also known to eliminate humidity and bad odors.

So you can take advantage of it in several ways:

To prevent salt from becoming sticky, simply place a few grains of rice in the salt shaker. The rice will effectively absorb moisture and the salt will remain dry.
If a closet or chest of drawers has not been opened for a long time, a musty smell will immediately escape. And all the underwear is impregnated with a very unpleasant smell. A solution to this problem? Put the rice in small cloth bags and place them in these closed spaces. This will help absorb the bad smell and prevent mold from forming in the closet.
Likewise, if you have old bags or luggage left in the back of a closet, there is a good chance that there is mold lurking. Clean them and slide a few grains of rice inside these items, you will solve the situation very quickly. The rice will thus absorb the moisture and bad smells.
Save your wet cell phone!
smartphone rice
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Rice – Source: spm

Surely everyone has already heard of this very popular trick. Most of the time, it works perfectly well: if you accidentally drop your mobile phone in water and immediately retrieve it, take the immediate reflex of dipping it in a large bowl filled with uncooked rice. The latter will absorb the water that has become embedded in your device. Leave the rice to act for a few hours. And your mobile is saved!

How to deodorize your toilet with rice?
Yes, rice quickly neutralizes bad odors! Why not use it to make your own air freshener to apply in toilets and bathrooms? The technique is very easy to perform: take half a cup of rice and pour into it about 20 drops of lavender or citrus essential oil. Stir well and place the cup in a strategic corner. And now, voila! You now have a natural air freshener that will neutralize all bad odors.

NB: remember to stir the rice grains regularly and add a few drops of essential oil if necessary, as the fragrance gradually fades.

How to check the temperature of the oil in the pan with rice?
When you heat oil in a pan, you can’t always determine if the temperature is high enough to accommodate your fries, for example. To better judge the situation, you just need to pour 5 grains of rice into it. If they drip directly, the oil is not hot enough. However, if they start to form