
How to make this delicious Turkish bread with ingredients we have at home

By Lilias

In this article, I will teach you how to prepare a delicious recipe for “Kat Kat Açma”, it is a Turkish bread that is characterized by its spongy texture and unmatched flavor. This recipe is so delicious that an entire tray is gone in the blink of an eye, and everyone who tries it asks for the recipe. Keep reading to discover the necessary ingredients, the step-by-step preparation and some useful tips to achieve the best result.



  • 8 g dry yeast
  • 1 packet of baking powder (10 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar (10 ml)
  • 2 glasses of warm milk (400 ml)
  • 1 glass of oil (100 ml)
  • 2 eggs (separate the yolk from one)
  • 1 teaspoon salt (8 g)
  • 6 cups of wheat flour (600 g)
  • softened butter spread


  1. Starting Mix : In a large bowl, combine dry yeast, baking powder, sugar and vinegar. Add the two glasses of warm milk and mix well.
  2. Add liquid ingredients : Add the glass of oil and the two eggs (remembering to separate the yolk from one to use later). Also add the salt and mix all the ingredients well.
  3. Add the flour : Little by little, add the six cups of wheat flour, mixing constantly. Make sure you add the flour in a controlled manner to avoid lumps and so that the dough is not too dense.
  4. Knead : Knead the mixture well until you obtain a soft dough that does not stick to your hands. This step is crucial to achieve the desired texture.
  5. Ferment the dough : Grease a large bowl and place the dough in it. Cover the bowl with a clean cloth and let the dough rest for 40 minutes to ferment and double in size.
  6. Degas and shape : After fermentation, lightly tap the dough to remove any air. Roll out the dough into a rectangular shape and spread softened butter on it. Fold it as shown in the video and spread it with more butter. Let it rest for another 20 minutes.
  7. Cut and bake : After 20 minutes, roll out the dough into a rectangular shape again and cut it into strips about two inches wide. Form each strip as indicated in the video and place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  8. Glaze and bake : Mix the reserved egg yolk with a tablespoon of milk and spread this mixture over the dough pieces. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until golden and fluffy.


  • Check the flour : It is important to add the flour little by little to ensure that the dough has the right consistency and is not too dry.
  • Proper fermentation : Do not skip the resting times of the dough, as these are essential to achieve a spongy and airy texture.
  • Spread the butter well : Don’t skimp on the amount of butter, as this will contribute to the laminated texture and delicious flavor of the açma.

This recipe for Turkish bread known as Kat Kat Açma is perfect to enjoy at any time of the day, whether for breakfast, as a snack or to accompany your meals. The combination of simple ingredients and preparation process results in a fluffy, flavorful bread that is sure to become a favorite in your home. Dare to try this recipe and surprise everyone with your culinary skills!