
Oven fried cakes: a healthier option for this classic sweet

By Lilias

The classic  fried cakes  are without a doubt a true delight, traditional and faithful companion to mates. They are also ideal for cloudy or rainy days, an excellent option to make the occasion more pleasant.

However, sometimes we should avoid them because being fried could affect our health . Fortunately, gastronomy offers us numerous variations, so a healthier option is to cook them in the oven and not fry them.

You may also be interested in: Fat-free fried cakes

A simple and easy proposal to make, let’s see below the recipe with the basic ingredients and all the preparation, including the healthiest and driest cooking.


Cake Ingredients

  • 250 gr. of self-rising flour
  • 250 gr. of common flour (000)
  • 300cc. of warm water
  • 1 tbsp. Fat tureen
  • 1 tsp. of salt


1- First of all, we preheat the oven to maximum heat.

2- Now we begin by adding both flours to a large bowl, then the creamed fat, the teaspoon of salt and little by little the water, while mixing with a spoon to start.

3- Next, with the help of our hands, we mix and begin to knead, until we achieve a soft ball of dough that no longer sticks to our hands.

4- Next step, we remove it from the bowl and transfer it to the previously floured counter, we knead a little more until we reach a uniform and smooth dough.

5- Then we place the bun in the bowl and cover it with a towel so that it rests for approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

6- When the time has elapsed, it is time to separate the dough into balls or rolls to shape it, stretching it with your hands or the rolling pin. It is possible to give it our own shape but remember to make a small cut in the center.

7- Now we are going to choose a baking sheet or any other suitable tray, we oil it generously and place the fried cakes.

8- We cook until we see that they are browning, remember to turn them so that they cook on both sides and receive even cooking.

9- A suggestion is that we can place the plate for the first part of cooking, on the middle rack and the last part, on the floor of the oven to give it a more golden and tempting touch.

10- When we remove the plate from the oven, we place them on a tray with absorbent paper so that they are drier.

11- As a final touch, we sprinkle them with sugar to taste and ready to enjoy these delicious oven-fried cakes!


A simple but effective recommendation to shape fried cakes is the following:

Let’s remember that to cut and shape the fried cakes we can use several different methods, one way is to stretch the entire dough with a rolling pin, which we will have sprinkled with flour so that the dough does not stick.
Then we also sprinkle the counter or table with a little flour. Once we have stretched the dough approximately 1 cm thick, with a knife we ​​are going to cut the cakes in the shape we like best. To finish, we use a fork and pierce the cakes on both sides.
A suggestion to keep in mind is not to leave spaces of more than 1.5 cm without perforating, the reason is because this will ensure more uniform cooking and as a result they will be crispier.