
Drinks that lower blood sugar The 15 most important drinks recommended by doctors

By Lilias

Diabetics need to drink sugar-lowering drinks daily to hydrate the body and help maintain blood sugar levels, because dehydration leads to disturbances in its levels. It is known that there are many drinks that help lower blood sugar levels without side effects on the body, so we leave you in this report the best drinks that lower sugar in the body for everyone who suffers from high sugar. Follow the next.

Drinks that reduce sugar

Green tea:

It is considered one of the warm drinks that reduce the chances of developing diabetes, due to its antioxidant content. Note that green tea should be consumed without sweetener.

Herbal tea:

All types of herbal drinks are important for diabetics, such as ginger , mint, hibiscus, and chamomile, because they contain a high percentage of antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, and carotenoids.

It is worth noting that when you want to sweeten herbal tea, it is preferable to use honey instead of sugar.


Coffee is characterized by containing antioxidants, which makes it one of the best drinks that lower blood sugar. It is preferable not to sweeten it with sugar, and you can add milk.

Vegetable juice:

Vegetable juice is considered one of the most important natural juices because it is free of sugar. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which regulates blood sugar levels , improves insulin levels in the body, and also enhances bowel movement.

The juice is prepared by blending leafy vegetables together, including arugula, celery, and cabbage, to give the juice a sweet taste. Berries can also be added.

Low-fat milk:

Milk contains many minerals and vitamins that are important for diabetics, but milk should not be consumed in excess because it is rich in carbohydrates, so it is preferable to rely on low-fat milk.


Lemon juice is considered one of the best types of drinks because it is rich in vitamin C, which provides diabetics with protection from infection due to its effective ability to strengthen the immune system, but lemon juice should not be prepared with sugar.

Kombucha :

A type of fermented tea, made from green tea and black tea. It is considered a good source of probiotics, which are responsible for maintaining the balance of bacteria in the intestines, and also helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Herbs that lower blood sugar quickly

There are many herbs that work to regulate blood sugar levels, which are as follows:

  • Aloe Vera : Aloe Vera has therapeutic properties, the most prominent of which is lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Cinnamon : Cinnamon is one of the best herbs for lowering blood sugar and reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  • Bitter melon : It is a commonly used ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. It also relieves thirst and fatigue, which are the most important symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, research has proven that bitter melon extract helps lower blood sugar levels.
  • Milk thistle : Milk thistle is found around the Mediterranean and has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties. Milk thistle may reduce insulin levels in people with type 2 diabetes and liver disease .
  • Fenugreek : Herbs are used to quickly lower blood sugar, and research conducted on humans has proven that fenugreek plays a major role in controlling blood sugar levels significantly.
  • Ginger : Ginger is one of the herbs used in traditional medicine to lower blood sugar levels, and is often used to treat digestive system problems.
  • Turmeric : Turmeric is among the best herbs for lowering blood sugar. Studies have shown that the curcumin compound in turmeric helps control blood sugar levels and prevents diabetes.
  • Sage : Sage plays a major role in increasing insulin levels in diabetics, so sage tea should be consumed in the morning every day to get the best results.

Drinks that reduce sugar

A popular drink that lowers blood sugar levels

Studies and research have proven that black tea is one of the hot drinks that works to lower blood sugar levels in just half an hour. Researchers have also explained that consuming black tea reduces blood glucose levels immediately after drinking it, which makes black tea one of the fastest drinks to lower blood sugar.

Vegetables that lower blood sugar

After we learned about drinks that lower blood sugar, here are the best types of vegetables that help lower blood sugar levels, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • Cucumber : Cucumber is one of the good vegetables for people with diabetes, as it contains low calories and fiber, so cucumber helps in lowering blood sugar.
  • Broccoli : Broccoli contains sulforaphane, which is responsible for naturally lowering blood sugar levels.
  • Spinach : Spinach contains many vitamins, protein, fiber, and minerals that are important for diabetes. Spinach also helps lower blood sugar levels.
  • Asparagus : It contains a small amount of carbohydrates, which makes asparagus suitable for diabetics who want to lower their blood sugar levels.
  • Leafy vegetables : There is a close relationship between eating two servings of leafy vegetables per week and helping to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
  • Eating leafy vegetables also helps stabilize blood sugar levels, and drinking a cup of leafy vegetable juice daily helps lower blood sugar by 14%.

List of foods that do not increase blood sugar

After we mentioned to you drinks that lower blood sugar, you must know the foods that do not help raise blood sugar levels. Healthy foods that do not increase blood sugar levels include the following:

  • Avocado.
  • Grains.
  • Nuts.
  • Berries.
  • Flax seeds.
  • the Garlic.
  • Apple.
  • oatmeal.
  • Yogurt and skim milk.
  • Legumes
  • sea ​​food.
  • Fruits rich in fiber.
  • Lentils and beans.
  • Chia seeds.

General advice for diabetics

After we mentioned to you the best drinks that lower blood sugar, here are the most important tips that must be followed to lower blood sugar levels. The most prominent tips are as follows:

  • Avoid drinks that contain added sugar, and we recommend drinking tea, milk, water, and coffee without sugar instead.
  • You should read all the information on the food before eating it, as you should pay attention to the percentage of carbohydrates in the food, which includes natural sugars and complex carbohydrates.
  • A good healthy diet should be followed to control blood sugar levels.
  • It is preferable to be careful not to lose excess weight, as it may contribute to increasing the body’s ability to control cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
  • Care to lose weight, so you should limit your energy to eating fruits only to avoid high blood sugar.
  • You should drink a mixture of vegetable and fruit juice to control blood sugar levels. The juice consists of cucumber juice with one apple and carrot juice, with the addition of grapefruit.

Thus, dear reader, we have explained to you the most important information for diabetics and the best drinks that lower blood sugar. Wait for us with a new topic and information through our website. Follow us.