
Lemon seed planting

By Lilias

Lemon seed cultivation is not a difficult matter, because lemon is one of the plants that can be grown at home if the appropriate soil is provided and the correct planting method is taken care of, so today we will learn about the easiest ways to grow lemon seeds at home, and lemon is one of the types of plants that are characterized by an attractive aromatic smell, and at the same time the benefits of lemon are very many, so whoever wants to grow lemon at home should follow us to learn how to grow lemon.

Anyone who wants to plant lemon seeds should do the following:

  • First, you must prepare agricultural soil in a separate container. Make sure that the soil is fertile so that planting is easy.
  • The soil is raked by hand or with a shovel so that it is moist from all angles, and it should not be full of water so that the seeds do not rot in it.
  • Lemon seeds need water, but they cannot survive in water above the soil level.
  • It is preferable that the pot in which you plant lemon trees has holes at the bottom so that excess water can drain through it.
  • The pot should be filled with soil, leaving about 2.5 cm of empty space from the edge.
  • Then, a hole is made in the soil with a depth of 1.5 cm, and this digging is done with a pen or fingertips.
  • Large, plump seeds are selected from lemon fruits and these seeds are placed in the soil.
  • We plant about 10 to 15 seeds in a planting pot, because some seeds may not be able to grow.
  • The seeds must be washed or the sticky outer layer removed from the seeds so that they can grow in the soil.
  • Before placing lemon seeds in the soil, leave the seeds in a cup of warm water from evening to morning to speed up growth.
  • Then the seeds are placed in the soil, so that the larger part of the seed is at the bottom and the pointed part is at the top.
  • The planting pot is covered with a breathable plastic cover, with small holes made in the plastic cover.
  • This cover is wrapped with a rubber band so that the elastic holds the plastic cover around the pot.
  • The pot is placed in a sunny or warm place in the first stage of cultivation, and lemon needs a temperature between 20 and 28 degrees.
  • Whenever the soil becomes dry, it should be watered.
  • After the sprouts begin to appear, remove the plastic wrap around the soil.

How to grow dwarf lemon

For anyone who wants to grow dwarf lemon seeds, it is a type of famous lemon that can be grown at home as follows:

  • Wet a paper towel well and squeeze out excess water.
  • Place the wet towel on a flat surface and smooth out any wrinkles on the tissue.
  • Then we put the paper towel inside a resealable plastic bag.
  • About 10 organic lemon seeds are selected to be planted.
  • You should look for large or plump seeds to make them easier to plant. Place these seeds in the tissue, taking care not to crowd them.
  • Before placing the seeds in the tissue, the seeds should be left in a cup of water from evening to morning.
  • The gel surrounding the seeds from the outside should be removed as it may cause the seeds to rot.
  • Then we put the seeds in the wet tissue, taking care to keep the seeds apart from each other so that they do not tangle.
  • Place the tissue in a resealable plastic bag. Closing the bag traps moisture inside the seeds and helps them grow.
  • The seeds are kept inside the tissue inside the bag for two weeks, or three weeks at most.
  • After the seeds grow and become about 3 inches, they are placed in a row and the soil is left in a warm place exposed to the sun.

Lemon seed planting

Lemon seed growth stages

When planting lemon seeds, it should be noted that lemon trees go through a set of stages, which are:

Seed stage

  • The seed stage is the first stage in lemon cultivation, and the seeds must be prepared well before planting them in order for the cultivation process to be successful.
  • The temperature when preparing the seeds should be around 21°C for successful germination.

shrub stage

  • The shrub stage is the second stage of lemon cultivation.
  • Lemon trees need warm weather to grow and ripen more.

bud stage

  • The amount of flowers is determined at this stage.
  • Lemon tree buds usually appear during cool weather.
  • If lemon trees get the right amount of water, the number of buds increases and the number of flowers increases before they develop into fruit.

Flowering and fruiting stage

  • The flowers and buds open at this stage until they reach the flowers.
  • The amount of fruit is also determined by the number of flowers, and flowers usually begin when the weather is warm.
  • At this stage, lemon trees should be provided with sufficient water so that the fruits are full of water.

Cell expansion stage

  • The lemons continue to expand and grow with the rest of the lemon trees.
  • Lemon trees need plenty of water at this stage as well, but at the same time, the trees should not be overwatered so that the seeds do not rot.
  • Make sure the soil is able to drain excess water so that the plant does not rot.

Maturity stage

  • Lemon trees need a period of maturity of about 4 to 9 months for the flowers to open and the lemon trees to begin to produce flowers.
  • In the third world, the lemon crop begins to appear and the trees begin to bear lemons.
  • Lemons should be harvested before mid-January or the crop will be at risk.

Lemon planting date

For anyone who wants to plant lemon seeds, you should know the dates for planting lemons.

  • Lemon cultivation usually begins in the spring season, which is the ideal time for planting.
  • Lemons can be grown at any time of the year provided the plant has the right temperature.
  • Lemon trees need more watering in the summer, and need to be watered more than once a day to avoid drying out the soil.

Lemon Tree Care Tips

These tips should be followed by those who want to plant lemon seeds:

  • It should be noted that lemon trees and citrus trees in general are very sensitive to cold, so the appropriate environment must be provided for them.
  • Lemon trees need plenty of sunlight to grow.
  • Lemon trees should also be watered regularly to maintain the moisture level in the soil.
  • Also, the soil must be equipped with a system that allows it to drain excess water to prevent the water level from rising above the plant and thus causing it to rot.
  • Lemon trees need to be watered once a week, making sure to add fertilizers that protect the plant from pests and insects.

In conclusion, after learning how to plant lemon seeds, for anyone who wants to learn more about information about planting lemon trees at home, do not hesitate to leave your comment and we will respond to you.