
How to get rid of ants without pesticides?

By Lesia

Whether in the house or in the garden, ants invade us and can wreak havoc. Although these insects are harmless, they invite themselves into our homes and infiltrate the smallest gaps and cracks in search of food. And when they attack our pantry, they cause us a lot of inconvenience. So how do you get rid of ants without pesticides?

How to get rid of ants without pesticides?

To get rid of ants in our homes, we can take certain precautions, such as cleaning more frequently, closing food containers properly and repairing drains and faucets.

However, if the ants are already in your home, before resorting to pesticides or other chemicals, you can set up a simple trap that will eliminate them forever.

To prepare the ant trap you will need:

  • Rice
  • Half liter plastic bottle
  • Mixer
  • Orange and lemon zest
  • Gloves

How to do :

Fill the plastic bottle with soap and water, then let it dry and fill it completely with rice.

Place the bottle face down in an area near the ant nest. Try to fix the bottle with stones.

Rice starch has an effect capable of drying out the nest. To increase the effectiveness of the trap, crush the zest of a lemon or an orange: both have a toxic effect on ants.

Other natural tips to get rid of ants

White vinegar to get rid of ants

It helps repel the ant colony. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the resulting product in the areas infested with ants.

This trick works because ants hate the smell of vinegar, and it removes the odor traces that these insects use to move around.

By eliminating the olfactory traces, the ants will be confused and will no longer be able to follow the same path as the others.

Coffee grounds to get rid of ants

Sprinkle coffee grounds in the garden, around the vegetable patch and the house. The smell discourages ant colonies from turning back. At the same time, this smell even keeps away stray cats that may enter your garden.

Soapy water to get rid of ants

Liquid soap mixed with water can also be an effective alternative. Soapy water eliminates the smell of pheromones on the paths that ants take to invade the house or vegetable garden. As a result, these little creatures are no longer able to communicate with each other. They are disturbed and move away.

Chalk to get rid of ants

Simply draw a thick line with chalk on your balcony or windowsill. The ants will no longer enter, the line will act as a barrier.

Lavender to get rid of ants

While the smell of lavender is something we all love, the same cannot be said for ants. So, place sprigs or small bags of lavender in places where they usually go. You can also spray lavender essential oil around your home.

Tips to prevent ant invasion in homes

After using natural means to eliminate or discourage them, you can put in place simple measures, which when used daily and rigorously, will be effective in getting rid of these insects for good.

  • Store food in tightly closed containers;
  • Clean kitchen surfaces after use and avoid leaving food scraps or waste that may attract these small insects.
  • Wipe the ant paths with a cloth soaked in soapy water or vinegar.