

By Lesia

A home that is dirty, full of clutter and accumulation of things… is not a happy place to live..
It has negative energy and the people who live in this environment will be affected..
Clutter hinders and stagnates… making it very difficult to move forward on our paths..
The stress of searching for things causes anxiety, depresses and brings confusion..
That is why it is important to throw away or donate what we no longer need… to give a new air to the home..
Your house is the reflection of your life..
~Physical part..
~Spiritual part..
~Sentimental part..
~Work part..
~Social part..and,
~Family part..
Always remember that there is a place for everything and everything must be in its place..
This helps to be in harmony and has an impact on a better flow of energy..
You must clean the house and get rid of or remodel everything that do not make us feel good…to make way for the new..
We should not accumulate unnecessary things..
Get rid of everything that does not contribute anything from the house..
Everything that is not useful or that you no longer like..
By getting rid of things that do not contribute anything positive..
The house loses negativity..
It gains space and is much easier to clean…which is something important..
~We must surround ourselves with things that we like..
~That bring us good memories..
~That motivate us..
Our home is a reflection of ourselves..
It tells us how we are at that moment..
If we are stuck..
Surrounded by a lot of things that do not contribute anything and prevent us from seeing or having time for the most important things..
So much time is wasted looking for things…ordering them or taking away their dust..
Let’s simplify our life and keep what is truly worth it..
Lightening your life makes you feel more liberated..
Making decisions makes you feel more secure and responsible..
Giving things away makes you feel detached, more generous and by organizing your space you feel more organized and efficient..
It is a way of freeing up space not only physically…but also mentally..
Leaving space for new things to come in..
That doesn’t mean throwing away things that remind us of who we are…that is also important to have..
Memories are the roots of who we are…but what we accumulate that does not bring us anything…
Take it out of your house and your life..
Once you have purged everything that you no longer need…
You must follow the routine of order and cleanliness, in order to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in your home..
–Make your bed…without a doubt the room will look more tidy..
–Wash the dishes dirty at the time…to avoid them accumulating..
–Take out the trash daily…to avoid bad smells, or overflowing..
–Put things back in their place after using them..
–Do daily routine cleaning…without falling into obsession, frustration and never enjoying life..
~Transmits joy..
Without a doubt, the most luxurious thing in your house will be the order..
Remember that the cleanest is not the one who cleans the most..
But the one who makes the least mess..