
Treating cartilage with herbs and strengthening it naturally

By Lilias

Treating cartilage with herbs is one of the most effective types of treatment. The presence of cartilage problems is one of the troubling health problems that those who suffer from it try to find a final solution for it. Herbs have proven their great effectiveness in treating cartilage, which has helped increase the demand for their use in many cases. Herbs can be used in more than one different way in treatment.

Herbal cartilage treatment

Herniated disc can be treated in more than one different way, as determined by the doctor according to the patient’s condition, in addition to alternative medicine treatment that improves the patient’s condition. The following are the best herbal recipes for treating cartilage:

Turmeric tea

It has an effective effect in getting rid of any fluids accumulated on the cartilage and cushions, which causes the inflamed vertebrae to be exposed to excessive pressure, resulting in a severe feeling of pain, thanks to it containing large quantities of curcumin, which is one of the best anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances, and it is prepared as follows:

  • Put a small spoon of turmeric in a cup and pour boiling water over it.
  • Leave the cup for 10 minutes before drinking.
  • It is recommended to take it once daily.

Willow tea

It contains many anti-inflammatory substances in large quantities, and the most important of these substances are phenol, glycoside, tannins, flavonoids and salicylic acid. It is prepared as follows:

  • Add a teaspoon of willow bark to a cup of boiling water.
  • Cover the cup and leave aside for 10 minutes.
  • It is recommended to take it regularly throughout the day, at least 5 times a day.


Chamomile in general has many benefits that the body can benefit from, as it consists of a group of distinctive compounds such as curzurol, luteolin, hydroxycoumarin, flavonoids and azulene. These compounds are characterized by reducing the severity of inflammation and spasms that affect the muscles, and it is prepared as follows:

  • Prepare in the same way as you would normally prepare tea.
  • Leave for 10 minutes before eating.
  • Strain before use.
  • It is recommended to take it 3 times daily.

Chinese herbal cartilage treatment

Herbs help relieve the pain associated with herniated discs. A scientific study has proven the effectiveness of Chinese herbs in treating this problem, as it has proven a large group of benefits for them, including the following:

  • Reducing the numbness that usually accompanies a herniated disc.
  • Relieve pain in the lower back.
  • Strengthening the body’s muscles and improving daily activity.
  • Helps to feel the limbs naturally.
  • If surgery is performed, it reduces disc inflammation and reduces the possibility of scarring.
  • It reduces the pain felt by the patient after undergoing surgery.

Foods that help build cartilage 

In addition to the possibility of treating cartilage with herbs, there are some types of food that help build cartilage and protect it from damage. The following are the most important types of food that help with this:


It is one of the best types of food that mainly helps in building cartilage, thanks to its vitamin C content. It also works to build collagen in the body, in addition to enhancing cellular healing that works to renew, protect and build cartilage.

Green tea

It is rich in antioxidants, which renew cartilage and help relieve pain associated with osteoarthritis. Some studies have also confirmed its role in rebuilding and protecting cartilage.


It effectively affects the production of some substances that enhance cartilage protection, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


It is known for containing anti-inflammatory elements, in addition to containing protein that works to renew the collagen that cartilage needs to rebuild it, as cartilage is exposed to collapse in the event of a lack of collagen. The best types of legumes are peanuts , chickpeas, and beans, both white and red.


It is very rich in magnesium, which is important for rebuilding cartilage and giving it the strength and durability needed to withstand shocks and blows.

brown rice

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most important elements contained in brown rice, which is of great importance in many types of treatment for different joint conditions, as it lubricates the joints so that they can absorb shocks.

Brussels sprouts

It contains large amounts of vitamin K, which is a vitamin that is very important for the health of joints and bones, and effectively helps in rebuilding cartilage.

Causes of herniated disc 

After learning about the methods of treating cartilage with herbs, it is important to learn about the most important factors that cause herniated discs to avoid doing them. The most important of these causes are the following:

little movement

Not moving regularly and staying in fixed positions for long periods of time without moving the body’s joints directly results in the muscles losing their flexibility, which over time leads to a herniated disc.

rubber pads

The rubber cushion is located between the vertebrae of the back, and if there is a problem with it, this condition is known as a “back disc.” The main reason for it is the accumulation of a gelatinous substance between the vertebrae, which puts pressure on the nerves, accompanied by severe pain.

old age

As a person gets older, the discs between the vertebrae become less flexible and more likely to break or dry out.

heavy lifting

Carrying heavy objects is one of the things that doctors advise avoiding because it causes serious damage to human health, the most prominent of which is a herniated disc.

Injuries and accidents

If a person is involved in an accident that results in a severe injury to the back, or specifically to the vertebrae, this may result in a herniated disc.

pressure on the back area

Relying primarily on the muscles in the back instead of relying on the muscles in the thigh or leg to carry heavy objects may also lead to a herniated disc.


Since the main cause of herniated discs is pressure on the vertebrae of the back, excess weight is one of the most important causes of herniated discs, as it puts strong pressure on the vertebrae.

Tips for maintaining cartilage

Although cartilage can be treated with herbs, treatment takes a long time, so it is recommended to maintain the health of the cartilage to avoid any injuries. The following are some important tips:

  • Performing stretching exercises daily enhances the body’s ability to move the joints, in addition to reducing stiffness and protecting them from tearing and erosion.
  • Continuous movement reduces the risk of joint stiffness, in addition to alleviating pain and strengthening the muscles in the area surrounding the joints.
  • Working on strengthening the body’s muscles in general helps absorb shocks better, and therefore helps reduce the possibility of damaging the joints.
  • Excess weight puts pressure on both the hips and knees, so you should be careful to get rid of excess weight. Losing half a kilogram of body weight helps reduce pressure on the knee by 2 kilograms, which reduces the possibility of joint erosion.
  • It is recommended to maintain a diet that includes foods that contain anti-inflammatory elements.

This concludes our article on herbal methods of treating cartilage, which are among the best effective methods of treating herniated discs. We also learned about the most important factors that cause herniated discs and how to avoid getting them.