
The beauty and care of Bons ái de Bouganville: a floral spectacle all year round

By Lesia

Small flowers, colorful bracts: the magic of the Bougainvillea The Bougainvillea, with its small white flowers and colorful bracts, is a floral jewel from South America. These climbing shrubs bloom from spring to the end of autumn and can reach a height of up to 12 meters.

Climate and sunlight: key to optimal flowering Bougainvillea thrives best in full sunlight and blooms from spring to autumn. Frost and strong winds should be avoided, but leaf shedding in winter is normal.

The right soil for the Bougainvillea bonsai A porous and acidic soil is crucial for Bougainvillea bonsai. A mixture of Akadama with 30% Kiryu or Kanuma offers optimal conditions for healthy growth.

Conscious watering and water selection: key factors Watering should be done when the soil surface begins to dry out to avoid waterlogging. The use of reverse osmosis water is recommended to keep the soil pH stable.

Pinching, pruning and wiring: techniques for bougainvillea bonsai success After flowering, the tips should be vigorously pinched to improve the structure of the bonsai. A vigorous cut encourages the growth of new shoots directly from the trunk. Wiring should be done carefully to avoid breakage or dryness.

Growing a Bougainvillea bonsai is a fascinating experience that rewards you with floral splendor all year round. By understanding its needs and applying these techniques, you can enjoy the unique beauty of this plant and turn it into a masterpiece in the garden. Immerse yourself in the world of Bougainvillea bonsai care and let yourself be enchanted by its splendor!