
Treating nail fungus with essential oils

By Lilias

Some people may suffer from toenail fungus and are looking for the best ways to treat nail fungus. Our feet often remain in closed socks and shoes, so the warm temperature, humidity and sweat become a suitable environment for microorganisms to grow in. If left untreated, they may spread to the skin or nails and can cause the appearance of. Toenail fungus is a fungal infection that is usually found in the nails or skin around the nail, and the nails become thicker than usual and yellowish in color. Fortunately, you can treat this fungus using some essential oils such as tea tree oil, lavender essential oil, thyme oil, oregano oil, lemon essential oil

For best results, it is essential to trim your nails before applying essential oils. You should also make sure to sterilize the scissors before and after trimming. It is also recommended throughout the treatment period to keep your feet as dry as possible, and always make sure to bring extra shoes and socks to change when sweating. It is also recommended to expose your feet to the sun as much as possible.

Nail fungus treatment

1Treating nail fungus with tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil is one of the best essential oils you can use to treat nail fungus. It is a powerful antiseptic with strong antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties that help fight nail fungus. A study using 5% tea tree oil in a cream base, for 16 months, showed that 80% of patients with toenail fungus were completely cured.

It is advisable to do a patch test as the oil can cause allergic reactions. It can be used without carrier oils and applied to the affected area twice a day. You can also use it in a mixture of jojoba oil (5 ml), tea tree oil (2 drops), lavender oil (2 drops), oregano oil (1 drop), carrot oil (5 drops). Then apply this mixture to the affected nails and massage for a few minutes.

2Treating nail fungus with lavender essential oil :

Lavender essential oil is a powerful remedy for nail fungus. Lavender oil is extracted from the flowering tops of an aromatic, green woody shrub. It has a sweet, floral scent. Lavender essential oil has antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It also prevents the spread of infection and relieves skin inflammation. All you have to do is apply 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil to a cotton ball and apply it to the affected nail and leave it until morning.

3- Thyme essential oil :

Thyme essential oil is distilled from fresh or partially dried leaves. It is a highly aromatic oil with a warm scent. Thyme essential oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Thus, thyme oil helps fight fungal infections and prevents them from growing and spreading.

The oil is also rich in linalyl acetate, alpha-terpineol acetate, and geranyl acetate, which produce antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. You can use thyme oil by applying it topically to the affected nail twice a day, or adding a few drops of it to the bathtub and soaking your feet in this water for a few minutes, then drying them with a paper towel.

4- Oregano essential oil :

Oregano essential oil (where to get it) is the best essential oil for toenail fungus and fungus in general. I’ve talked about its properties and components that make it a powerful fungus fighter in this article.

Oregano essential oil has the ability to treat toenail fungus, because it contains the main antifungal compounds thymol and carvacol. It also contains rosmarinic acid and nargin, which have been proven to fight fungal infections. You can use oregano oil by placing a drop or two of it directly on the affected nail to treat nail fungus.

5Eucalyptus essential oil :

Eucalyptus oil has a refreshing scent and has been proven effective in treating toenail fungus. It has high antifungal, anti-infective, and antiseptic properties. It also helps relieve pain and prevent the spread of infection. The best way to use eucalyptus oil is to apply it topically by placing 5 drops of it directly on the affected nail. You can also prepare a mixture of these oils and apply it to the affected nail. This mixture consists of 10 drops of each of tea tree oil, 10 drops of lavender oil, and 3-4 drops of eucalyptus oil.

6Lemon essential oil to treat nail fungus :

Lemon essential oil is known for its ability to get rid of foot fungus , due to its citric acid content, which prevents the fungus from spreading to other nails. It also has bleaching properties that help whiten the yellow nail to a great extent. Its antiseptic and antifungal properties also protect the nail from any other infection. All you have to do is add 10 drops of lemon essential oil to a cotton ball and apply it to the affected nail and leave it until morning.

7– Mix essential oils with coconut oil to treat foot fungus:

the components :

  • 20 drops of tea tree oil.
  • 15 drops of peppermint oil.
  • 15 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • 10 drops of lemon oil.
  • 10 drops of thyme oil.
  • 5 drops of cinnamon oil.
  • 5 drops of clove oil.

How to use :

  • Bring a tightly sealed bottle.
  • Add the previous ingredients to it.
  • Add half a cup of coconut oil to it.
  • Then close the bottle well and shake it to make sure all the ingredients are mixed together well.
  • Then store the bottle away from sunlight in a cool, dark place.
  • Wash your feet well, then dry them with a paper towel.
  • Apply this mixture to your toenails morning and evening.
  • It is recommended to trim your nails before applying essential oils.
  • You must make sure to sterilize the scissors before and after pruning.
  • You can also apply this method to treat foot fungus .

Important tips when using essential oils to treat nail fungus:

  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, avoid using essential oils as they are strong and unsafe for pregnancy and newborns.
  • Do not use essential oils without consulting a qualified healthcare professional.
  • Always do a patch test on your inner wrist/elbow before using essential oils to test if they are safe for your skin and body.
  • Keep essential oils out of reach of children.
  • If you apply essential oils to a large area of ​​your body, please make sure to dilute them first in a carrier oil, lotion, or other base ingredient to avoid skin irritation and burns.
  • Make sure to buy only 100% pure essential oils.
  • It is essential to trim your nails before applying essential oils.
  • It is recommended to expose your feet to the sun as much as possible.
  • It is recommended to keep your feet as dry as possible.