
A super effective fertilizer for plants and flowers: find out how to make it from waste!

By Lesia

A natural fertilizer from your waste: how to make it?

Banana peel, coffee and brewer’s yeast

Banana peel helps your garden grow quickly and healthily. Simply chop it into small pieces and scatter them over the soil, leaving them on the surface. Improvements will be visible as soon as the first blooms appear.

Coffee grounds can also be added to banana peels. After using them, we usually throw them away, not knowing that they can be very useful for the growth of geraniums, camellias as well as azaleas. Again, just spread it on the ground. A little wait and the results will not be long in coming.

Similarly, brewer’s yeast can be very effective. Pour 3 tablespoons into at least 10 liters of water. Mix well and use this mixture for watering.

Banana peel, coffee and eggshells

Mixing all these elements together makes an excellent natural fertilizer. Put 3 banana peels (potassium), 3 doses of coffee (3 doses of the amount used for 1/2 cup, contains many minerals) and 5 eggshells (rich in calcium) in a blender. Add the water, about a third of the cup, and stir until you get a thick and fairly liquid consistency. With a spoon, put some on the soil in your pot, covering the surface. You will see the result!

But also:

Vegetables, algae, ashes

We usually throw away vegetable water, but in reality, even the latter can become an excellent method to promote the growth of your plants. In fact, it is rich in nutrients for plants. Seaweed, for example, is used in some recipes to add flavor to dishes, and is then thrown away. But if you chop it up and add it to the water used to water your plants, they will then become more flowery.

Ash, even from your fireplace, so wood, is just as effective. Just scatter it on the surface of the soil so that it brings useful minerals to the soil so that the plants can feed themselves properly.