
Ants in the house: meaning and how to combat them

By Lilias

Having ants in the house is something that happens to all of us at some point. In fact, it is not necessary that the anthill itself or where they nest is inside our home, but many times they come from the patio.

The ant infestation is considered on the same level as that of cockroaches. The Texas Agricultural Extension service gives some indications to keep in mind if there is an ant infestation in our home:

– Keep plants away from the house to protect the foundation
– Store food in sealed containers.
– Do not let food sit outside the pantry or refrigerator overnight.
– Fill cracks and holes.
– Prune old trees and bushes near our home.

Trick to combat ants

Having said all the above, today we have a simple and easy method to prepare with things that you surely have in your own pantry.

This is a trick to combat ants, which simply do their job, but yes, they are annoying when they climb onto the kitchen table or enter the pantry and take over our merchandise.

The good thing is that it does not have a negative effect on the ants, nor on our health. It is non-toxic, no harmful chemicals are used, so we can use it with complete peace of mind in any corner of our house.

We are going to need the following elements to get rid of ants at home

Rice (the more starch it contains, the better)
1 500 milliliter plastic bottle
1 Orange and lemon peel
1 pair of Gloves

  1. After cleaning the plastic bottle thoroughly, let it dry, and when there is no trace of moisture, add rice until it is full.
  2. We are going to place the bottle upside down as close to the nest as we can. It is important that when you turn the bottle and being in this position, the grains begin to come off but that it always remains firm and does not move.
  3. We leave our trap to combat the ants for at least a week, the drying effect of the starch will eliminate the anthill, that is, it will dry out little by little.

We can grind the rice together with the lemon and orange peels to achieve a faster toxic effect against ants.

We recommend you read: Homemade tricks to eliminate the grease that is embedded in the oven door and glass

Meaning of ants in the house

Regarding the meaning of having ants in the house, many have asked us if it is possible that it is a spiritual problem. We want to tell all our reader friends that the appearance of ants means that there is something that interests them, and it is not at all about some esoteric act against us, it is not witchcraft, it does not announce revenge for an acquaintance with whom we had A problem does not herald a disaster in our lives.

Very far from that, the meaning of ants in the house has more to do with some food that we leave outdoors, or possibly with some special corner where they found their space to reproduce or provide themselves with what they need. Ants are part of nature, let’s not obsess over myths or popular tales.

A hole in the wall, a raised tile, any space with a small clump of dirt is enough for ants to come, settle and not leave. In fact, the National Pesticide Information Center indicates that “some species of ants can destroy wooden buildings or bite people.” Therefore, this makes them a latent danger, but we should not panic either, remember the trick mentioned above and if the problem persists call a pest specialist who will present a more aggressive method.