
How to Grow Endless Amounts of Ginger at Home

By Lesia

Ginger is a spice rich in benefits for our health and with a particular flavor, which makes it excellent for enriching and flavoring many dishes. Ginger helps strengthen the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties, supports digestion, relieves nausea and pain.

To grow ginger at home, you need to start with seeds, which can be purchased in specialty stores. Alternatively, you can try to plant its root directly, but the result is not guaranteed because the product sold in the supermarket often adds additives that prevent it from budding. With organic ginger root, the results are safer.

Ginger takes about 10 months to harvest. Keep the plant indoors during the cold months. Ginger needs partial shade and suffers from excessive exposure to sunlight.

Water ginger frequently – make sure the soil is always moist but avoid creating puddles. Spraying water directly onto the plant can be very helpful.

Before planting, soak the ginger root in warm water and leave it overnight. Fill a pot with soil, then insert the ginger root with the eye facing up, about 4-5 centimeters from the surface.

After 3-4 months, you can start harvesting the ginger. Cut the amount of ginger you need from the outermost corners, then put them back into the potting soil.