
This Ginger and Lemon Drink Will Help You Lose Weight

By Lesia

For long-term weight loss, it is often advisable to opt for a healthy diet and practice regular sports activity. In addition, certain drinks are extraordinarily effective in melting fat and helping you get rid of bad toxins. Here is a drink made with ginger and lemon that will help you lose weight.

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup of tomato juice.
  • ¼ cup lemon juice.
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger.
  • 1 chili pepper.
  • 2 medium celery stalks.

Preparation :

Mix all the ingredients except the celery. You will get a juice of 220 ml. Cut the celery into small pieces. Add them to your juice so that you can crunch them while drinking the drink.

Drink this mixture daily and at least three times a day before each meal for two weeks. Take a 7-day break and repeat the treatment.