
When should you open the windows when it’s cold? Here’s the best time to air out your home.

By Lesia

During the winter, we all look for the best ways to protect ourselves from the freezing cold and stay warm at home. As a result, some people even give up airing their homes to keep the heat inside. Bad idea: the supply of fresh air is essential since it has a beneficial effect on our mood and health. The lack of ventilation has consequences on our condition. But then how can we ventilate the house without risking catching a cold or turning up the heating? And when is it wiser to open the windows? Some tips to follow.

Open the window
Air out the house
Why is it important to ventilate the apartment frequently?
Regularly ventilating the home has a positive effect on our health and well-being. It supports our immunity, prevents dust allergies (especially dust mites!) and prevents various problems at home. However, this does not necessarily mean higher heating bills. A skillful supply of fresh air will not cool your interior. It is therefore important to know how to do it correctly. In addition, frequent ventilation prevents the accumulation of humidity, but also the massive appearance of fungi and mold. By airing the environment, you purify your living spaces by eliminating harmful substances in the ambient air and strong odors that escape from the bathroom or kitchen.

When is the best time to air the house in winter?
Short-term but intensive ventilation is preferable. Also, instead of opening the window all day, simply open it for about ten minutes three or four times a day. Thanks to this, you will promote adequate air circulation, without completely cooling the house. When would be the best time to open it? It is recommended to do it early in the morning when the air is still cool or late in the evening, after 10 p.m. These time slots are when air pollution is the lowest. Of course, to avoid unnecessary waste, before airing, remember to turn off radiators or any kind of heat.

Remember: opening windows is an excellent way to naturally increase the ventilation of your home. But, make sure to first determine the quality of the outside air. Pay attention to excess humidity or an overly polluted atmosphere. The ideal indoor humidity should always remain below 60%.

On the first floor, you will be able to bring in fresh air, while opening a window on the second floor will let the hot air out.

How to ventilate the interior when it is foggy outside?
With a high concentration of dust in the air, it is best not to open the windows, or even less often. Because at that point, you risk letting pollution into your apartment. If you live in a city that is particularly exposed to fog or in an industrial area where smoke is very present, it is better to favor other less polluting solutions. In particular, the use of an air purifier or even green plants capable of purifying the air at home and eliminating all toxins. Thus, you can easily ventilate your home when the smog standards (urban fog mixed with ozone and fine particles) are low or average.