
150 times more powerful than garlic and lemon: a killer of all fungi and bacteria that provides rapid relief from coughs!

By Lesia

Discover the effective bacteria and mold killer.

Leave nothing to chance and bet on this effective combination for coughs.

You won’t regret it and cough relief may come faster than you expect.

Photo: pixabay

This good advice from the YouTube channel how to cook could be very useful this flu season.

If you’re wondering which ingredient from nature has so many beneficial properties, it’s nettle. You can use it both fresh and dried.

What are the best known effects of this plant in folk medicine?

Photo: pixabay
Rich in minerals, vitamin C, vitamin D and iron, it helps the body metabolize protein.

– lowers blood sugar levels,

  • treats arthritis,
  • relieves menstrual pain,
  • reduces hypnosis,
  • improves digestion and speeds up metabolism,
  • will replenish your iron,
  • cleanses the liver, supports the kidneys and pancreas,

Photo: pixabay

  • more beautiful skin (helps with chronic skin inflammation, acne and eczema),
  • help you lose weight,
  • relieves diarrhea,
  • increases the production of breast milk,
  • better hair and nail quality,
  • helps with osteoarthritis,
  • cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances,

Photo: pixabay

  • fights anemia,
  • reduces the risk of prostate cancer,
  • fights inflammation – both externally and internally,
  • helps with nausea,
  • helps with allergic rhinitis,
  • cures colds,
  • helps with ulcers and acute indigestion.

Effective decoction for cough

Photo: pixabay

We need:

3 tablespoons of fresh or dried nettle leaves

4 tablespoons of dried cranberries

500 ml of hot water


Photo: pixabay

Wash the nettles and chop them into smaller pieces.

Place in a small saucepan and add the dried cranberries.

Now pour water over the contents of the saucepan and do not let it boil on the stove.

Photo: pixabay

Stir occasionally, cook for about 10 minutes.

Then set aside, cover with a lid and let it brew for about 3 hours.

In the meantime, you can also prepare this effective cough syrup.

Cough syrup

Photo: pixabay

We need:

1 tablespoon chopped nettle leaves

200 g brown sugar

200 ml water


Photo: pexels

Put the chopped nettles in a saucepan, add the brown sugar and cover with water.

Bring to a boil and then cook for 15 minutes.

Strain the syrup through a sieve into a small glass jar with a lid.

Take 1 tablespoon four times a day until the cough subsides.

Always close the jar with the lid.

The cooled brew can also be strained through a sieve after 3 hours.

Drink a cup of the decoction 1 to 2 times a day before meals.

This tea not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also the heart.

Beneficial effects of nettle

Photo: pixabay

The nettle contains a large amount of vitamin A and C, and thanks to the silicon and organic acids, the nettle strengthens the body’s own defenses.

These substances help protect against bacteria, toxins and viruses.

Beneficial effects of cranberries
Cranberries slow down the aging process and help with urinary tract infections, for example.

They reduce fever in colds, protect the heart and help regulate blood sugar in type 2 diabetes.