
Washing machine, put all the clothes in a bag: the old trick of our grandmothers

By Lesia

Here’s why our grandmothers put all the clothes in a bag before putting all the laundry in the washing machine.

We reveal the reasons why so many experts use the bag method to solve a very common problem. If you use it, you don’t even need to turn on the washing machine anymore, saving a lot of money.

White clothes, why they turn yellow
At least once in our lives, we have all had to deal with clothes that have turned yellow, apparently for no reason. In reality, there are many reasons for this. First of all, sweat can be one of the causes why clothes turn yellow.

A second reason is related to washing and drying. If we hang out our white clothes without rinsing them, therefore full of product residues, the sun could discolor them. Or, if we pick them up from the clothesline when they are still wet and fold them and put them in the closet or drawers, we cause the garment to retain all the humidity and become yellow.

Washing machine
Even the use of perfumes can make our white clothes yellow. Stains on them, in the same way, can cause the color to turn yellow. An oil stain, for example, or sauce or blood, once gone, could leave yellow residues.

Luckily, however, there are some valid remedies to make your clothes return to their maximum splendor. All you have to do is get some products, which we are sure you already have at home, and use them with the help of a little bag.

This is a truly ancient method, used by the best housewives and especially by the grandmothers of all of us. Many have wondered how it worked and what it was for and above all how it can help us save money with our washing machine.

Solve without a washing machine with the bag method
If your white clothes tend to yellow, all you have to do is get some ingredients that we are sure you already have at home. We are talking about hydrogen peroxide, a classic clothes soap and salt.

Create a mix of peroxide and salt in a basin of water, where you will immerse some of the white clothes that you notice have yellowed. At that point you can proceed by passing the clothes soap along the parts where you notice the most yellowness.

Washing machines
Now take the clothes, wring out the water well and, without rinsing, put all the clothes inside a single bag. Proceed, trying to create a sort of vacuum. Then, remove as much air as you can from the bag and let the clothes rest inside.

Leave it to act for at least an hour, then rinse and hang the clothes out to dry. If you want to do an extra step, to be safe, put the clothes in the washing machine and do the wash you usually apply.

You will notice how your clothes will become truly white as they have never been and you will eliminate every trace of yellow. You probably did not know this trick, yet it is really effective with clothes of any color, but especially with white ones.

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