
A Natural Trick to Get Rid of Flies

By Lilias

Welcome Tips A Natural Trick to Get Rid of Flies

For any housewife, there is nothing more terrible than the appearance of parasitic insects in her heritage – the kitchen. Even if you are very careful and keep all the shelves and drawers clean, an unpleasant surprise can happen. Small annoying midges appear unexpectedly, and it is not easy to burn it.

Here’s what to do to keep house flies, and fruit flies, out of your home.

How to make a lemon and clove insect repellent?

  • You only need half a lemon and a handful of cloves. No more, no less. You just have to cut the lemon in half and then insert a few cloves.
  • It will be up to you to choose an area of ​​the kitchen that seems strategic enough to you before placing your half lemon with cloves there. The ideal would be to place your natural repellent near the door leading outside or a window. You can also place it on your kitchen worktop.
  • Keep in mind that after an average of two weeks, the lemon repellent may no longer have the desired effect. If this happens, you will simply have to replace it with another one.