
6 Yoga Poses For Gorgeous Breasts

By Lilias

The yoga poses I’m going to show you increase lung capacity, strengthen your back, chest and abdominal muscles, and directly improve breast tone by working the right supporting muscles! So these are 6 yoga poses to adopt as a priority if your chest needs to regain height!


Credit: yogatilife

Warrior Pose is also known as Virabhadrasana. This pose strengthens your chest.

  • Spread your legs about 1 meter apart, feet parallel to each other.
  • Turn your left foot to the left 90 degrees. Breathe in and bend your right knee.
  • Your left leg should remain straight. Raise your arms and make a straight line with your shoulders. Turn your head to the left, look at your wrist.
  • Repeat 7-10 times, then do the same on the right side.


Credit: grazia

This posture strengthens the thoras, the spine, and allows better blood circulation. Stand straight with your legs apart, your left foot at a 90° angle and your right at 15°. Touch your left ankle with your left hand and stretch the other arm towards the sky. Do the same on each side.


Credit: healthy-and-natural

How to: Lying on your stomach, inhale, bend your knees towards the sky and bring them towards your head. Try to grab your ankles with your hands. Breathe gently and raise your arms and legs as high as possible. Your hips and chest are off the ground and your body is resting on your stomach.

How much: Try to hold this position for 30 seconds.


Credit: selection

For this posture, the body weight is evenly distributed on the hands and feet. The head is down, the arms straight and the body arched. This somewhat unusual position mobilizes the entire spine, strengthens the muscles and sheaths the entire body. It is better to be careful because this is not an easy posture. It is therefore recommended to warm up and prepare your body for this unusual and intense movement.

The big advantage of this posture is that it stretches the entire front of the body, especially the chest and abdomen. This posture is an excellent exercise for spinal mobility and preventing postural problems. Good posture prevents the breasts from sagging prematurely.


Credit: doctissimo

The cobra pose, a yoga classic. Lie on your stomach and push your torso backwards, lifting your groin. Align your arms with your palms, face down. Push your head back and look up. Lower yourself and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times, increasing the duration if possible.


Credit: selection

Ustrasana, or the camel pose, is effective against back pain. It also increases lung volume and strengthens the thorax:

Get on your knees and bring your feet together.

Slowly lean back and place your hands on your heels. Then, arch your back and stretch your ribs. Your head should be pulled towards the floor.

Stay like this for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.