
A Little Effort And A Lot Of Joy: My Mother Explained To Me Why CLÍVIA Is The Best Plant For The Apartment!

By Lilias

Welcome Tips A Little Effort And A Lot Of Joy: My Mother Explained To Me…

Meet the Clivia, a fascinating plant native to the forest habitats of the Republic of South Africa, which rewards its owner with its beautiful flowers several times a year. To welcome this exotic plant into your home and see it thrive, here’s what you need to know.

1. Optimal growing conditions

Clivia thrives in partial shade and is mainly grown indoors in many countries. Create the right environmental conditions for it to thrive. During the summer, give it some outdoor space in partial shade for indirect sunlight, then bring it indoors in the fall to protect it from the cold.

2. Winter maintenance

Between October and January, give it a winter break with an ambient temperature between 10 and 15°C. Reduce watering and avoid any fertilization. This rest encourages the development of flowers.

3. Watering and fertilization

When the Clivia wakes up and the flowers begin to emerge, water it with lukewarm water (about 40°C) to stimulate its growth. During flowering, fertilize once a week until August with a suitable fertilizer. Maintain regular watering, but avoid excess to prevent root rot and leaf wilting.

4. Transplantation and multiplication

Transplant only after flowering if necessary. Propagation is easily done by dividing the rhizomes.

5. General care

Fertilize regularly during growth and flowering, and remove the red pods after flowering to avoid exhausting the plant.

By following these simple tips, you will be able to enjoy the beauty and prosperity of your Clivia for many years to come. Good luck!