
Don’t throw away apple skins, put them in a jar: you’ll save a lot

By Lesia

Apples are among the most consumed foods in summer and winter depending on the different varieties. In addition to their well-known nutritional properties, the peels of this fruit can be very useful in the home. Here are some tips to save on your household expenses by simply using apple peels to make vinegar and avoiding waste.

How to turn apple peels into vinegar?

Peel an apple – Source: spm

Mix   the remaining apple peels   with water and sugar, then strain the resulting liquid through a clean cotton towel. Don’t forget to squeeze well to get all the liquid out.

Pour the liquid into a glass jar, but do not close it with the lid: place a clean cotton cloth on the surface and secure it to the edge of the container with a rubber band. This way, air can freely come into contact with the liquid and turn it into vinegar.

Finally, store the jar in a dark place at room temperature for at least three weeks, shaking the mixture daily and then transferring it to a bottle or spray bottle when finished. Your mixture will have taken time to transform into cider vinegar.

The vinegar obtained in this way can be used for ecological cleaning of your home or as a “grandma’s remedy” to remove stains from fabrics and surfaces.

Thanks to its anti-limescale properties, it can polish opaque glasses, clean the kettle and shower walls, and descale the iron. You can also use it to clean the refrigerator or to deodorize rooms, but also to eliminate bad smells from   thermoses   and other containers. In fact, vinegar has a great capacity to absorb and neutralize odors.

Other uses of apple peels

Apple peels – Source: spm

To make an air freshener

You can also prepare an excellent air freshener. The first step is to dry the peels in the sun, then you will have to put them in a canvas or tulle bag with a cinnamon stick; in this way the aromas obtained can perfume the rooms of your house. So you can place them in closets, drawers and many other places.

To clean utensils

You can also use apple peel to   clean   aluminum utensils and objects; the acid they contain has a remarkable degreasing action.

Place them in a pan with water and immerse the objects to be cleaned. Then place the pan on the stove on low heat for about 40 minutes and turn it off. Finally, let it cool completely and clean the objects carefully with a clean microfibre cloth, the result is impressive.

To make herbal tea

You can also prepare an infusion with apple peels to stimulate digestion. First, let the apple peels dry on a clean, dry towel for about a week. If you are in a hurry, bake them in the oven for about 40 minutes at 80 degrees.

To prepare the infusion, pour the hot water directly over the apple peels and if you want to improve its flavor, just add cinnamon or vanilla.