
Mold May Be Hiding in Your Washing Machine! Here’s How to Get Rid of It…

By Lesia

The purpose of washing machines is to clean clothes, disinfect them, and leave them smelling great. However, some washing machines in many homes do the opposite due to a buildup of bacteria in the drum, which can leave your clothes smelling unpleasant and musty.

Mold in the Washing Machine:
The washing machine is perfect for mold growth, providing a warm and humid environment for mold to form. Front-loading washers are particularly susceptible to mold because they usually have a tight rubber seal that prevents moisture from escaping the washing machine.

In addition to being unpleasant to the senses, common mold can cause a variety of health problems. Many people are sensitive to mold exposure and can cause common allergy symptoms, such as congestion, itchy eyes, wheezing, or skin irritation.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Washing Machine:
Mold can be a nuisance when it comes to getting rid of it. This is because even if all the mold visible to the naked eye is cleaned, mold spores still have a chance to survive and reappear where they were a few months later.

That is why it is important to use strong and effective antifungals and disinfectants to clean mold.

How to completely remove all mold from washing machine using two simple and all-natural ingredients.

Making this mixture against mold would be very easy.

Mix in a cup, distilled water, white vinegar and a quarter cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Mix well and pour into a spray bottle. Spray this mixture liberally on the mold-infested areas and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes.

Then rub with a cloth with the mixture and clean the area until the mold is completely gone.

Remember to check the washing machine every few months to make sure it is free of mold.