
Veteran shoemaker shared this secret! Take styrofoam and fix shoes

By Lilias

Have you ever had a favourite pair of shoes that you just can’t let go of, but they’re so worn out they seem beyond repair? A veteran shoemaker has revealed a simple yet surprising trick that could give you the solution you need.

All you need is some expanded polystyrene and gasoline to create a mixture that can repair and reinforce your shoes, restoring their useful life. This method is not only effective, but it is also incredibly easy to perform. To see how to do this trick, check out the following video made by Gaus DIY:

Discover the shoemaker’s method


  • Styrofoam (expanded polystyrene)
  • Gasoline
  • Sandpaper
  • Mixing container
  • Stirring stick or tool


1. Adhesive Preparation

To start, take some styrofoam and cut it into small pieces. Place these pieces in a container. Next, add gasoline to the container, little by little, while mixing. You will see how the styrofoam dissolves, forming a thick, sticky adhesive . This adhesive is extremely strong and can be used to repair not only shoes, but also other materials such as wood, plastic and leather.

2. Cleaning the Area to be Repaired

Before applying the adhesive, it is essential to thoroughly clean the surface of the shoe you wish to repair. Use sandpaper to remove any old glue residue and ensure better adhesion of the new adhesive.

3. Application of the Adhesive

With the surface already prepared, apply the styrofoam and gasoline adhesive to the damaged area of ​​the shoe. Use a stick or similar tool to spread the adhesive evenly. Make sure the adhesive covers the entire area well so that the repair is long-lasting.

4. Endurance Test

Once the adhesive is applied, allow it to dry completely. After it dries, test the strength of the repair. The adhesive should be strong enough to withstand daily use of the shoe.

This trick shared by an experienced shoemaker is an ingenious and effective solution to repair shoes that might otherwise be thrown away. With simple materials and a little patience, you can extend the life of your favorite shoes, saving money and reducing waste.

We recommend: How to repair worn leather items with the most effective home trick


  • Ventilation: Perform this procedure in a well-ventilated area due to the vapors emitted by gasoline.
  • Caution: Handle gasoline carefully to avoid accidents.
  • Adhesive Application: Make sure the adhesive is completely dry before wearing the repaired shoes to prevent the glue from coming off prematurely.