
Halos on glass, you can say goodbye to stains with this strong natural remedy

By Lilias

House cleaning takes time and patience. To keep every corner of the house perfectly tidy and as hygienic as possible, you can use some very effective natural methods. Let’s see how to best remove stains from window glass. Here are all the details.

If you want to say goodbye to the formation of  halos and stains on the  windows and balconies of your home, then you can only trust the tips we offer you below. There are, in fact, many  natural DIY methods  , capable of making these elements shine again.

Unfortunately, it often happens that you notice annoying halos on the windows of your home. This could be seen as a carelessness. In fact, even those who often clean their windows run the risk of noticing this formation which is certainly not aesthetically appealing.

The formation of halos does not mean that the glass is dirty. In most cases, in fact,  the halo is due to the formation of condensation or to rain  that has fallen in the previous hours. Rainwater is composed of magnesium, calcium and other similar materials, which have the “fault” of leaving  limestone formations   and, therefore, halos and spots on the glass.

How to solve the problem  ? Here are some really effective natural methods against the most stubborn stains on glass. Let’s analyze everything.

Removing stains from window panes: let’s discover natural solutions

The blame for limestone formations and therefore for the formation of halos is not only and exclusively due to rainwater. Even when we go to clean the windows with  tap water  , we could encounter the same problem. In some areas of our country, in fact, running water is  rich in calcium and magnesium  .

We are therefore led to believe that the problem of halos forming on glass is related to our lack of practicality in carrying out cleaning operations. In fact, this is not the case. The action of water alone, for the problem we have just highlighted, may not be sufficient.

Special detergents  for removing stains and halos from glass are available on the market, in some specialist shops. However, if you don’t want to spend money, but want to “recycle” some ingredients from around the house, here are many  tricks that can solve the problem of stains on glass forever  .

Are you curious? Here are some  absolutely cheap and natural solutions  . Let’s analyze the “resistance” of these ingredients against the most stubborn dirt.

Do you want to remove halos in the best way? Here are the details

The first ingredient capable of solving the situation is, without a doubt,  baking soda  . It is an ingredient with very satisfactory “powers” ​​when it comes to removing the most stubborn dirt on different surfaces. What to do? First of all, it will be essential to create  a solution with this product mixed with a little water (preferably distilled)  . After doing this, this solution will be placed on a microfiber cloth. With this cloth, you will have to rub vigorously on the glass.

Halos on the glass

The action of the baking soda will allow you to remove halos and stains from the glass. Finally, remember to rinse the glass to remove excess grains and also spray a small amount of glass cleaner. After drying it with a cloth, you will notice that the glass is shiny again.

Lemon  is also an ingredient that can be useful in this specific cleaning operation. The acidity of this element, in fact, will be able to fight limescale and remove all stains from the glass. Lemon can be  rubbed directly on the part affected by the problem  . Even in this case, after having removed the excess parts of lemon, it will be advisable to spray a small amount of sanitizing spray and then dry everything.

We close this review with another very useful product for this purpose, namely  vinegar  . All you need to do is create a  mixture with water and vinegar – in fairly similar proportions –  and pass it over the affected area. The acidity of the vinegar will be able to remove limescale and all natural deposits on the glass.