
How to remove moss, mold and lichen from the patio: this is the foolproof method

By Lilias

Would you like to remove moss and lichen from your garden masonry? Here’s how to solve this problem easily and completely naturally.

Anyone who has a tiled patio or part of a garden knows  how annoying and unsightly  the presence of moss, algae and lichens between the joints or on the surface of the tiles can be. Let’s see how to solve this problem and prevent its reappearance with the right precautions.

Mosses and lichens, why do we find them on garden tiles?

Due to the natural course of events, especially after rainy periods,  it is not uncommon to find garden tiles covered with a slimy green patina  . Floors exposed to the elements often encourage the proliferation of moulds, lichens and mosses, precisely because of the humidity.

Moss is easily recognizable, grows mainly in damp and shady environments and has a  characteristic cushion shape  made up of microleaflets. As well as being unsightly, it can be dangerous as it makes surfaces slippery.

As for lichens, however, they are a mixture of fungi and algae that appear as  small crusts or small bushes  . In this case, they are organisms that can alter the very structure of the soil on which they grow, which is another reason to act quickly.

How to remove moss and lichen from outdoor floors

Prevention is certainly  one of the most effective methods  to ensure that these minor problems do not occur at all. Proper and regular cleaning is an excellent method to prevent the appearance of these organisms as much as possible. If, on the other hand, they are already present, they can be eliminated with a multitude of products available on the market, but also naturally. It is certainly not a quick fix and will require some effort, but the result is guaranteed.

To remove moss naturally, you can use ingredients that are easily available at home. These are white vinegar and coarse salt.

The procedure to follow is not complex, in fact it will be enough  to apply the ingredients directly on the moss and leave it to act for at least 24 hours  . After this time it is time to proceed to remove it using a wire brush. Obviously it is advisable to carry out this procedure in good weather, since rainwater will dissolve the salt and wash away the vinegar. So make sure that the weather forecast does not predict rain before continuing.

This method can also be used for lichens  , which will however require more energy to remove the embedded pieces. Also pay attention to the materials you will use, as for some types of floor some iron brushes could be harmful by scratching it.

The same applies to the joints, if the moss to be removed is between one tile and another,  be careful not to remove the cement that binds them together  . In fact, if they have been attacked by moss, the joints may already have weaker points that would be easier to scrape off. Obviously  , this remedy can be used on both floors and exterior walls  , with the same attention to the type of surface to be treated.