
Mosquitoes, the lemon-based mixture that destroys them in 2 seconds: goodbye to itching forever

By Lilias

Mosquitoes are one of the most annoying pests we can find in our homes. Not only do they cause uncomfortable bites, but they can also transmit diseases. However, there is a natural and effective remedy that can help you get rid of them quickly: a lemon-based mixture that destroys them in just 2 seconds.

Lemon, known for its multifaceted properties, goes beyond its culinary use to become an inexhaustible source of hygiene and cleanliness. Not only does it degrease and polish kitchen utensils, but it also serves as a powerful remedy against mosquito bites.

Below we explain how to prepare it and some additional tips to maximize its effectiveness.



  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Aloe vera gel (quantity equal to lemon juice)
  • Optional: Vinegar to enhance the repellent effect


  1. Lemon and Aloe Preparation:
    • Extract the juice from a fresh lemon and place it in a small container.
    • If you have fresh aloe vera, cut a leaf and extract the gel inside. If you don’t have fresh aloe, you can use high-purity aloe gel found in pharmacies. Combine equal parts lemon juice and aloe gel.
  2. Optional Mix with Vinegar:
    • For a more powerful repellent effect, you can add a small amount of vinegar to the lemon and aloe mixture. This will intensify the smell, making mosquitoes stay away even more.
  3. Application of the Remedy:
    • Apply this mixture directly to the skin to repel mosquitoes. The lemon acts as a natural repellent, while the aloe vera soothes and relieves the skin in case of bites.

We also suggest: How to prepare a natural mosquito repellent – ​​This is stronger than 100 repellents!

Additional Benefits and Tips:

  • Instant Relief: The anti-inflammatory properties of lemon will help reduce the swelling and irritation caused by mosquito bites.
  • Prevention and Protection: This mixture not only soothes existing bites, but also prevents future bites by keeping mosquitoes away.
  • Natural Alternatives: Other ingredients such as mint, basil, lavender, and catmint are also known for their repellent properties. You may consider adding a few drops of essential oil from these ingredients to the mix for a more holistic effect.
  • Continuous Use: Keep this mixture on hand at all times, especially during peak mosquito seasons. Apply regularly to stay protected and bite-free.

With this simple and natural recipe, you can keep mosquitoes at bay and enjoy immediate and long-lasting relief from annoying bites.