
Turn on your radiators only at this time: you will save on your electricity bill

By Lesia

We have all seen it, heating costs weigh heavily on annual expenses in winter. On average, a household spends an average of 733 euros per year on electric heating. We will show you through this article how you will manage to save money while using your radiator.

It is essential to be smart, especially when it comes to relieving your wallet! That is why it is essential to activate the heating at the right time to minimize your energy consumption.

When should I turn on the radiator to save energy?
A cold sensation has been felt and now we run to the radiator to turn it on! With this in mind, it is important to know at what temperature it is important to activate your device.

One thing is certain, it is difficult to give a precise date to know when to turn on the heating in your home. In fact, there is no official date that clearly indicates the beginning of the great cold. As you will have understood, winter never comes at the same time, every year, which directly impacts your heating needs. However, the heating date is generally around October 15th and until April 15th. It also depends on your region.

Turn on the heater
Turn on the heater. source: spm

What possible savings can you make with your radiator?
If you have missed this fact, you should know that lowering the temperature of the radiator by one degree reduces your energy consumption by 7%. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to close the blinds. In addition, proper maintenance of heating appliances can also achieve savings of 10%.

What is good to know when turning on the radiator?
A few simple gestures are enough to reduce its energy consumption and minimize it. You can start by adjusting the thermostat of your heating and closing the rooms in your home to maintain optimal heat. The last gesture? Close the blinds when it is cold. You can also slightly lower the temperature of your heating at night or when you are away during the day. In case of prolonged absence, do not hesitate to turn it off in a simple way, especially if your accommodation is well insulated. Smart and practical at the same time!

To minimize energy costs, remember to write down your meter readings weekly to define your consumption and compare it with the previous ones. This habit will help you regulate your consumption and know when to turn on or off the heater.

It is important to choose the right electricity or gas offer
Obviously, knowing when to turn on your home radiator and when to turn it off can save you a lot of money , and it is not the only parameter that should come into play when evaluating your energy expenditure. Remember to find out about the rates offered by energy suppliers.

You have understood, dear readers, that to minimize your energy bill, it is important to know when and how to use your radiator while opting for the right energy offer!
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