
Eliminate moths from your closets and perfume your clothes and home with this natural remedy

By Lesia

Living in a clean house without insects is ideal. Moths damage our clothes and even if it is possible to use insecticides or other chemicals, the question is to choose the best solution, in other words, the most natural one.

Making your home a haven of peace is what each of us wants and this naturally involves eradicating anything that is harmful. Have you ever opened your closet and found holes among your sweaters, shirts or dresses that you like? This is an indicator that you are now facing a moth infestation. Therefore, pest control is essential, the objective here being to present you with effective and safe solutions.

deterioration clothes moths

The first steps to take to counter the infestation of moths
First of all, start by emptying your cupboards before giving them a good vacuuming. Then try to clean them carefully with water and vinegar. Do not hesitate to air them well from time to time to avoid any reappearance of these small insects.

The clothes must be sorted so that you keep those that are still in good condition and get rid of those that show traces of moths. Wash the remaining clothes then store them in a dry place, away from any humidity. You can also use anti-humidity bags dedicated to this purpose. But if you want to put all the chances on your side, there is another way to 100% sanitize your wardrobe, while perfuming it and protecting it against any possible invasion of moths.

pine oil

The mountain pine is your best ally in your fight against moths
The Alpine pine, also called “Swiss pine” or “Arolle” is a plant that generally grows in mountainous regions and has antibacterial, antiseptic and antifungal properties making it very effective when it comes to purifying a closed room or refreshing it. This plant acts as a natural repellent against moths. This is why it is highly recommended to leave a small bag containing a cotton pad soaked in Swiss pine essential oil in a corner of your closet, to protect yourself against the infestation of these pests.

You can get it in organic stores or in specialized online stores offering essential oils or other natural products.

alpine pine oil

There are also other uses for this essential oil that will allow you to maximize the benefit you could get from it:

Perfume your home: put 5 to 10 drops in a small bowl of water on the radiator. You can also pour some into your aroma diffusers.
Perfume curtains and carpets: Simply spray a preparation based on water and a few drops of Swiss pine essential oil on curtains and carpets.
To perfume laundry: Also add freshness to your laundry: pour 10 drops of Swiss pine essential oil into the detergent compartment of your washing machine to give a delicate scent to the laundry, plus its scent will keep moths away.
For your bath: add a mixture of baking soda and Swiss pine oil to your bath water. You will feel more relaxed and relaxed.