
Humidity in the home? The clever grandmas’ trick to solve this problem for good

By Lesia

During the winter season, frequent rain showers tend to increase the humidity of the walls and exterior surfaces. Inside the house, the air is filled with humidity that has nowhere to go, which leads to condensation, mold and mildew. Fortunately, there are some measures you can take to protect your home from high humidity levels. Here we explain how.

Mold stain on the ceiling.
Humidity damages your home
In addition to reducing its visual appeal, increased humidity allows mold spores to spread. It can cause significant damage to the structure of the building, including the possibility of water leaks and the accumulation of saltpeter. This mineral salt deposit can cause further damage over time and is a direct result of high humidity.

Just as your home is affected by humidity, so is your body. The professional medical staff at the Mayo Clinic stated that when the tiny mold spores are inhaled, your body recognizes them as a foreign substance and produces antibodies to fight the invasion. This can lead to the appearance of signs such as nasal congestion, irritation, and itching of the eyes, nose, or throat.

Mold on the wall.
How to prevent humidity?
It is better to take precautions than to have to deal with the effects later! To escape the dangerous effects of humidity, one must consider the suggestions given to solve the problem.

1- Waterproof the house to fight humidity
Humidity can have an impact on your residence. Problems such as leaks, waterproofing problems or ruptures in the roof or walls can cause water to seep into the home. Fortunately, these nuisances are not unbeatable. Waterproofing your home is a great way to protect yourself against moisture. You can do it yourself, or call a professional, by applying a water-resistant compound to the walls and roof of the house.

2- Restore cracked walls to prevent moisture
Over time, rain and regular use can cause cracks to form on the exterior of the walls. It is very important to repair them in order to prevent moisture from accumulating inside the home. To solve the problem, it is essential to recognize the type of cracks and treat them quickly.

3- Heat to prevent moisture
The temperature setting in your home has a considerable influence on the level of humidity in the air. A sharp drop in temperature can lead to an increase in humidity and the appearance of condensation. It is therefore essential to maintain the indoor temperature at a minimum of 18°C. In addition, it is important to facilitate the circulation of heat between rooms by leaving the doors of divided rooms open.

4- Ventilate to let humidity out
A low-cost option, ventilating your home is essential! Remember to open your windows to allow humid air to escape from the house. Open all the windows in the different rooms of the house to help air circulation. However, keep your windows closed on rainy days, simply because humid air increases the humidity in your home.

5- Dehumidifiers and air conditioners to reduce humidity
Dehumidifiers and air conditioners can be useful in hot and humid environments to reduce the amount of humidity in the air. However, care must be taken to ensure that these devices do not turn into biological contaminants later on.