
Dust Eaters: Household cleaners known to absorb dust and contaminants.

By Lilias

There are a number of houseplants that can remove dust from your home. Plus, caring for them is really easy.

Dust is not a pleasant companion in the home: dust mites and other harmful organisms can survive in it. That is why it is necessary to fight it as effectively as possible. You do not have to constantly travel with a duster around the apartment – practical air purifiers can help you.

Absorbs dust and contaminants.

But flying dust isn’t the only thing they have to deal with. They also absorb various pollutants found in the home on their leaves. Most often these are:

  • Formaldehyde:  A strong irritating gas found in some building materials (wood decks) and some types of furniture.
  • Benzene:  A cancer-causing substance found in some household cleaning products, gasoline products, and tobacco smoke.
  • Radon:  A radioactive gas found in soil that can enter buildings through small cracks in the soil and building materials.
  • Paint and coating fumes:  may contain harmful substances such as isocyanates, which can cause health problems (asthma, cancer, etc.).

Reducing these harmful substances in the air at home is difficult, but not impossible. For example, it is recommended  to ventilate the rooms, use eco-friendly cleaning products  , and choose building materials and furniture that do not harm health. It is also good to buy eco-friendly air purifiers that can absorb these pollutants. There are several types of indoor plants that are known for their ability to remove pollutants and dust from the air. You just have to choose.

Chlorophytum comosum (  Chlorophytum comosum  )

This hardy and unpretentious plant is excellent at removing dust and other pollutants from the air. It is easy to grow, it just dislikes excessive watering, otherwise it is very undemanding.

Spathiphyllum (  Spathiphyllum  ) or quiver

Ranunculus is another popular air-purifying plant. It is easy to care for and has attractive white flowers.

Mother-in-law’s tongue, also known as  Sansevieria

Even these unpretentious plants are known for their ability to absorb dust and other harmful substances from the air, even in low light conditions.  Sansevieria cylindrica and Sansevieria trifasciata  are most often grown in homes.

Dracaena marginata (  Dracaena marginata  )

The attractive gorse (sometimes also called furze) is also one of the popular plants for air purification. This species is really undemanding to grow and, thanks to its unique appearance, will give any home a real tropical touch.

Useful kidney fern (  Nephrolepsis  )

Even domestic ferns are known for their ability to purify the air, but they do not always do well in the home. However, the kidney fern can withstand almost everything (except complex overdrying) and  will please you with its fresh and airy appearance  in all circumstances. It requires bright, indirect light and constantly moist but not waterlogged soil.

Incorporating these types of indoor plants into your home will not only improve the air quality, but will also give  your interior a sense of harmony and attunement with nature  . If possible, enjoy at least one of these plants in each room and fully enjoy the benefits of cleaner, fresher air.