
4 plastic cups and 1 thread are enough to make a very useful object at home

By Lilias

Make a useful item to keep your home tidy using only plastic cups and wool thread. Here’s how.

Who has never lost  a pair of hair clips  or  pins  that we had placed  who knows where  in a  drawer  ? This will no longer be a  problem  once you have created this  creative object  that will allow you  to organize your drawers  and not  lose  anything, all  by recycling  ! Let’s see how to do it.

Why they are important: Plastic cups

Recycling  plastic cups  is an important way to reduce  waste  and  protect the environment   When  plastic cups  are not  disposed of  properly, they end up in  landfills  and can take  hundreds of years  to degrade. However, it is possible  to recycle  these  cups  by using them to create  creative objects  for  everyday use  .

Reusing  plastic cups  in this way is a  simple and accessible gesture  that everyone can do to contribute to a   more   environmentally  sustainable lifestyle  In addition, it does not require  a great effort  , and it allows you to obtain  advantages  , for example in terms of  order  . An example of this is the  peg holder  that can be made with a  glass  and a  wool thread  . 

Plastic cups and a thread – the base.

To make our   clothespin  holder  we will need: a  plastic cup  ,  wool thread  of the different colors of our choice, a  cutter  ,  hot glue  with its  gun  ,  glitter paper  and  foamiran  . For those who don’t  know  , the last “ingredient” of our  creation  is an  A4  suede  sheet  , and in our case we need a  sheet  that has a  shiny coating . However, these types of sheets are available in  numerous colors and prints  , not necessarily  with glitter  , so you can choose the one  you prefer  .

Once you have all the  material  , take the  plastic cup  and use the  cutter  to cut the  upper  , more  rigid edge  . In order for our  clamp holder to be large  enough   , it is advisable to use a   transparent  plastic cup  , which is a little  larger  . Once you have the  edge  ,  you will finish it off  with the  cutter to  remove  any less rigid  plastic  residue , because you only need the  circumference  .

At this point, we take our  wool thread  of a  color  of our choice and start  winding it  around the  circumference  . Once   our entire circumference  is covered , we glue  the last end of the  wool thread  with a dot of  hot glue  . After that,  we remove  the  excess thread   by cutting it with  scissors  . To be sure to get a  solid  and  well-finished closure  , we apply more  hot glue  and then make a small knot  , from which we remove any  excess thread  always helping ourselves with  scissors.

Now, once   the  base is complete  , we proceed to  stretch the wire  by interlacing it  . Then we stretch the thread  from one side  to the other of the circumference, to  cross it  and form a  braided star  . Once this  operation is done  , fix the thread at one  end  of the  circumference  with a small  knot  ,  glue it  with a dot of  hot glue  and  cut off the excess.


This is where our  foamiran sheet comes into play  . Let’s draw  small petals  or  leaves  in the  shape  we prefer, at this stage we can  play with our imagination.  We can make  3 or 4  of them, the important thing is to remember to make them in  double number  , since we will have to  glue them  so that the  shine remains  both on  the front  and on  the back  . Next,  let’s cut out  the shapes we have drawn.

Now we are going to take the  glitter paper leaves  . Let’s draw  9 flowers  of  different colors  and overlap them  3 by 3  using  hot glue  . At this point we go back to our  woven base  and  glue the leaves  we made with  foamiran  along the  top  of the  circumference  . Next, we place the  flowers  by gluing them so that  they overlap the leaves  , so that it gives the impression that the latter  are sprouting  between the  flowers  . 

Finally, let’s take a  fairly long piece of wire  with which we will create the  string  that will be used to  hang  our  clothespin holder  . To do this, we fix the  ends  of the thread with  two knots  around the  circumference  . After that, we take  woolen threads  of  different colors  and fix them at the  lower end  of the circumference with  small knots  . We should get a  rainbow of hanging threads.

Our hair clip  and pin  organizer   made from  plastic cups  and  wool thread is ready    : we can  hang it  in the bathroom to  attach the clips to the threads  so as not  to lose them  , or simply use it as  a decorative object  in the environment we prefer.