
4 Things That Happen When You Burn Those Leaves Inside Your House

By Lilias

Bay leaves are widely used in cooking as an aromatic herb, but did you know that they have many health benefits? Discover in this article the many virtues of bay leaves and how to use them.

Laurel is a shrub from the Lauraceae family, found mainly in Mediterranean regions. This plant, which requires a fairly warm climate to grow, can reach significant dimensions, up to 10 m in height. Laurel has small berries, yellow leaves and spear-shaped leaves, which are called bay leaves. They can be used fresh or dried.

The use of laurel leaves dates back to Greek and Roman times. Symbol of Apollo, they formed the triumphal crown, known as the laurel wreath, considered an honorary distinction or sign of glory.

Bay leaves were also highly prized, and still are, for their aromatic properties. Thanks to their pronounced and very distinct flavour, these leaves are used to flavour dishes, especially in Mediterranean cuisine.  But in addition to their culinary properties, bay leaves are very famous and used in traditional medicine for their therapeutic virtues.

In fact, they contain approximately 3% pure essential oil and are rich in isoquinoline alkaloids and sesquiterpene lactones.  And it is precisely these active ingredients that give them their anti-inflammatory, sedative, antifungal, antiviral and antiseptic properties.

This medicinal plant is full of health benefits and can be used in many ways. Depending on the need, it can be made into lotions or creams, decoctions or infusions. It can be used both externally and internally.

These are the different benefits of bay leaves:

To reduce stress and anxiety.

Bay leaves have very beneficial effects in reducing stress and anxiety and in reducing tension.

Burn a few bay leaves in an ashtray and leave the room for 10 minutes. The room will be saturated with a special fragrance that will provide a relaxing atmosphere.  In fact, bay leaves act on the nervous system by regulating it, especially in times of anxiety or depression.

To improve digestion

Bay leaves can be very effective in cases of poor digestion. These medicinal plants help to promote digestion and also help reduce flatulence. Consume them as an infusion to enjoy these benefits.

Bay leaves can also stimulate appetite when added to dishes.  Therefore, they are a food of choice for people looking to gain weight.

to relieve pain

Bay leaves help relieve joint pain, toothache, muscle pain, or pain caused by arthritis or rheumatism.
Prepare a decoction by boiling a pot of water for 5 minutes, to which you will add a few bay leaves. Let it infuse for 4 to 5 hours before straining. Consume a teaspoon every 2 to 3 hours for 3 days. You can renew the treatment, but be sure to wait a week.

To treat flu-like conditions.

Bay leaves are very effective in case of flu-like conditions because they help reduce cold symptoms, relieve bronchitis, coughs, and clogged sinuses, and clear the airways. In fact, the essential oil contained in bay leaves contains cineole, which has many therapeutic properties.  This natural compound is considered a powerful expectorant, antifungal, anti-infective, and bactericidal, among others.

Bay leaves also help treat urinary tract infections, thanks to their antiseptic power, relieve pain associated with angina and improve the condition of the skin and hair, when used in the form of a lotion or decoction.

Caution : 

There are no reported side effects associated with the use of bay leaves, but in case of overdose, this ingredient can have an emetic effect.