
What is that little pocket on the front of your jeans for? It’s very useful.

By Lilias

Have you ever wondered what that little pocket on the front of your jeans is for? You have to go way back to find out. Here’s how they used it. 

Jeans are an essential companion in everyday life  . Previously, they were worn only by men, but today they are a unisex item of clothing that you cannot miss out on in your wardrobe. Officially, the inventor of denim, only later they were called jeans, was Jacob Davis, but then Levi Strauss patented them.

Born from the brilliant idea of ​​these two in 1873 without knowing what they would become today.  They were born simply to make life easier for workers who often broke their pants  . Being made of a more solid and resistant material, they were excellent. Metal buttons were also added to better hold the ends.

But what is the function of the small pocket on the front of jeans?  There are many answers that have been given. To store pennies, a train ticket or a condom. But none of these answers match the real reason for that breast pocket. Let’s take a look at what it was used for, because its purpose is not a mystery.

Small pocket in jeans: that’s what it was for

To identify the purpose of the small pocket on the front of jeans we have to go back in time about 150 years and understand the habits of the time  . In fact, today it is no longer used as before and that is why we hardly identify the real purpose for which that pocket was sewn.

Levi Strauss explained at the time which and how many pockets he had designed  . In fact, it only has 4 pockets. These were: one placed on the back, two on the front along with a small pocket. But you still haven’t figured out what that pocket was for?

That little pocket on the front of the jeans, also called a pocket, was used to store the pocket watch  , also called bellows. At that time there were still no wrist watches and these are used for these. Usually these watches were hung on a chain and attached to the belt.

However, he was not sure and that is why Levi Struass thought of looking for an alternative that would allow workers not to easily damage their pocket watches while they were at work.  By keeping them in the pocket created in the jeans, they were safe from scratches and possible breakages.

Over time, the watch has evolved and pocket watches are hardly used today  . Therefore, it is no longer used for the purpose invented, but it has remained nevertheless. In fact, it represents a recognizable detail of jeans and today it is used in an alternative way as we mentioned at the beginning.

Today, the front pocket is used to store train or metro tickets, coins, lighters, condoms and many other small items. And did you know what this little pocket on jeans is for?