
Impeccable bathroom: with this hotelier’s secret, your bathroom furniture will shine

By Lilias

Anyone who wants a spotless bathroom should know this well-kept secret of hoteliers. Once you discover what it is, even the toilets will shine like never before!

There are many  alternative solutions  to detergents normally bought in supermarkets to  thoroughly clean floors and toilets  .

Some of these solutions are  well known to hoteliers  , but not to most housewives. Here’s a trick for cleaning floors with two main ingredients, one of which is unexpected: Coca  Cola  and  dish soap  .

Coca-Cola and dishwashing detergent: an explosive mixture for deep cleaning floors

There are many tricks  to remove dirt  everywhere, including some really exceptional and proven effective ones. One in particular is considered the best: combining Coca Cola with dishwashing detergent.

The result you will get on the  floors of the bathroom  and the whole house will leave many people speechless and open-mouthed. Reading this article, in addition to this fantastic trick to leave floors super clean, there is another one, which is capable of removing dirt  from household furniture  .

How to prepare this homemade cleaner to have a clean and shiny bathroom

In nature there are often plants, herbs and fruits that can be used at home as an alternative to their usual use. Along with these, there are also  packaged products  that, combined with detergents sold in supermarkets, can work miracles in cleaning.

This is the case of  Coca Cola , a very well-known and widely used drink all over the world. But if we mix Coca Cola with a detergent for washing dishes and cutlery, we create a really effective  household cleaning product   .

This product has nothing to envy of those advertised on television.

How to prepare it? Here are all the steps:

  • Take a clean container and put  a cup of Coca-Cola  and  half a cup of  liquid dish soap inside;
  • then add  a teaspoon of salt  and  a teaspoon of baking soda  and start mixing;
  • Once well mixed, add  half a glass of vinegar  and mix again;
  • The compound should now be placed inside a  spray bottle  .

Done! Now with this compound it is possible to thoroughly clean not only the floors and grout, but also the flower pots, which will be as shiny as if they were new.

It can also be used to clean  bathroom tiles  ,  toilet bowls  , and  sink taps  . Anyone who has tried this method has been able to see for themselves how effective it really is. So from now on, you can save your money on buying expensive cleaners.

An effective trick to clean furniture

Here is another cool trick to clean  your home furniture  and leave it looking like new. In the end, it will not only be shiny, but also very fragrant.

Simply take  a little white wine vinegar  and mix it in a container with  three tablespoons of lavender aroma  ,  a teaspoon of salt  and  the juice obtained from half a lemon  .

Mix all the ingredients well and then pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Now the compound is ready and you can start cleaning the  furniture and sofas  .

This trick, in addition to polishing furniture and cleaning sofas,  also eliminates germs and bacteria  that usually lurk everywhere, leaving a really pleasant smell.