
Applying toothpaste to scissors, what happens after 1 minute: the secret of seamstresses

By Lilias

That’s why you should apply toothpaste to scissors. The miracle happens after just a minute – this is the secret of seamstresses.

We explain step by step how to sharpen scissors  that  no longer cut simply by applying toothpaste.

Scissors that no longer cut, here are the causes

Scissors are an essential tool for many jobs, both domestic  and  professional. However, it can happen that scissors stop cutting effectively, becoming less useful or even unusable.

The main reason why scissors stop cutting is because  the blades become dull  . Dull blades no longer fit together perfectly and cutting becomes uneven or even impossible. Dull blades are caused by normal wear and tear, use of hard or abrasive materials, or improper storage of the scissors.

Rust or corrosion on the blades of scissors can hinder the movement of the blades and make cutting difficult   Rust can form when scissors are exposed to moisture or are not stored properly.

The presence of  dirt,  adhesive residue or other debris on the blades can reduce the cutting ability of the scissors. This residue can build up over time and should be removed regularly.

Scissors are designed to work when the blades meet perfectly. However, if  the blades separate  or cross during cutting, the scissors may stop working properly.

To prevent scissors from stopping cutting, it is important to pay attention to  regular maintenance  . Here are some tips to keep your scissors in good condition:

  • Clean  the scissor blades regularly with mild soap and water;
  • Regularly remove any  residue  from the blades;
  • Lubricate  the scissor blades with oil to prevent rust;
  • Store  scissors in a dry, moisture-free place;
  • Avoid cutting  hard or abrasive materials  with scissors;

If you have dull blades, you can sharpen your scissors with a   sharpening stone or take them to a professional who will do it for you. However, if the scissors are badly damaged or rusty, they may need to be replaced.

Scissors can  stop cutting  for a variety of reasons, but with regular maintenance and proper use, you can keep them in good condition for a long time.

Use the toothpaste and wait a minute.

Sharpening scissors  is an art that requires some attention and knowledge. If you are looking for a simple and effective way to sharpen your scissors, you might want to try this unusual but effective method using toothpaste, salt, and vinegar.

First, get a pair of scissors that need to be sharpened. Then, take a small amount of  toothpaste  and spread it on both blades of the scissors. Use napkins to distribute the toothpaste evenly over the entire surface of the blades.

Next, turn a cup upside down and add a small amount of  salt  and vinegar. This will create an acidic solution that will help remove dirt and rust from the blades of your scissors.

Open the scissors and begin  to  gently scrub them on the bottom of the inverted cup. Make sure to scrub evenly on both blades. Continue scrubbing until you have completely removed the dirt and rust from the scissor blades.

Once you have finished sharpening your scissors,  rinse them  thoroughly with clean water and dry them with a clean cloth. Check if the scissors are sharp enough and repeat the process if necessary.

Typically, top seamstresses recommend  sharpening your scissors regularly  to keep them sharp and in good condition. This toothpaste, salt, and vinegar method is an easy and inexpensive way to sharpen scissors at home, without having to buy expensive sharpening tools.

Always remember to be  careful  during the sharpening process and handle your scissors with care. Sharpening scissors takes some practice, but with a little patience and perseverance, you can easily sharpen them at home like a  seamstress  .