
Stop buying avocados, you can grow them in a small pot at home

By Lesia
  1. Prepare the pit: Cut open an avocado and carefully remove the pit. Wash it well to remove any remaining pulp and let it dry.
  2. Germination in water: Insert three toothpicks into the avocado pit equidistantly around its widest part. Place the pit over a glass of water, making sure the bottom half is submerged. Place the glass in a sunny spot and change the water regularly.
  3. Planting and caring for the seed: Once the seed develops roots (in a few weeks), plant it in a pot with potting soil, leaving half of the pit exposed above the soil. Place the pot in a sunny spot and make sure to keep the soil moist but well-drained. Protect the tree from cold and frost, as they prefer warm temperatures.
  4. Feeding: Water the tree regularly, allowing the soil to dry out a little between waterings. Use a fertilizer specifically for avocado trees and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s application recommendations.
  5. Harvesting Avocados: After several years, your avocado tree will bear fruit. Avocados are ready to harvest when they remain firm and reach their full size. They will ripen within a week or two after being harvested.

Enjoy growing your own avocado tree and harvesting the delicious fruits it will provide!