
An old trick to whiten your clothes and leave them like new

By Lilias

Preserving the whiteness of linen can be a real challenge… Over time, linen loses its shine and tends to turn yellow or grey, giving it an aged look. Here is a simple and effective trick to whiten your clothes!

Many people use bleach to whiten their  clothes  , but this product only makes things worse. In fact, it deteriorates the texture of the clothes, making the fabric thinner and more fragile. On the other hand, bleach does not achieve the expected results, that is, it does not help to have whiter clothes and can even cause health problems when inhaled or in contact with the skin.

How to whiten your clothes?

Fortunately, bleach or “expensive” detergents are not the only products that help whiten clothes. There are other, more effective and cheaper solutions to restore lost whiteness! One of the most effective methods for whitening clothes is potassium permanganate, which gives excellent results.

How to whiten clothes with potassium permanganate?

Potassium permanganate is a product available in all pharmacies, and here is how to use it for whiter clothes:

– To bleach your clothes, pour water into a container and add a little potassium permanganate (the amount will depend on the amount of water).

– Wait for the product to completely dissolve and for the water to turn pink. If the water tends to a dark purple color, it indicates that you have used a large amount of potassium permanganate.

– Add 200 g of detergent to the water and mix.

– Soak your clothes in this solution.

– Leave it on for 4 to 5 hours, you can also leave it on overnight.

– Then, remove the clothes from the tub, spin them and  wash them  as usual in the washing machine.

To whiten your clothes, you can also wash your clothes before immersing them in this solution. In this case, you just need to rinse them with clean water and dry them after immersing them in the potassium permanganate mixture.

If necessary, repeat this method until you find the initial whiteness of your clothes.

Another effective tip for whitening clothes

Another available product that you can use to whiten clothes is baking soda. Simply:

– Add 2 to 3 tablespoons of baking soda to your detergent dose. Pour the mixture into a bowl of warm water, soak the clothes in it and let it sit for a few hours before rinsing.

Baking soda  is  also helpful in softening water, making laundry soap more effective.

With these two tips, your white clothes will regain all their shine, you will be surprised by the result!