
How to make oat milk to lose weight

By Lilias

Oat milk is becoming more and more popular among people, and not only among those who are lactose intolerant or follow a vegetarian or vegan diet that does not allow them to drink cow’s milk or milk of animal origin. Oats have many beneficial properties for the body, as well as being helpful in losing weight. And this, precisely, is one of the main reasons that explain its greater demand.

Nowadays, this product is easy to find already prepared in many establishments where it is possible to buy it because there are various brands that sell it. However, it can also be prepared at home. If you don’t know how to do it and you really want this product to be as natural as possible to take advantage of all its benefits and look great, from unCOMO we explain how to make oat milk to lose weight.

Properties of oat milk to lose weight

Oats are well known for the multiple benefits it has for beauty and for health in general due to its contribution of nutrients. Many of them are also present in oat milk. But why does it help you lose weight?

This product (which is not really a milk, but rather should be considered a vegetable drink), is characterized by having as its main base oats, which is a cereal with a high protein content, as well as other nutrients, fiber and minerals.

This in practice and to control weight has several advantages, in addition to its nutritional contribution, because:

It provides more fiber: helping to promote intestinal transit, which is key to purifying the body and preventing toxins from accumulating in the body.
It is a diuretic: which contributes to avoiding fluid retention.
It levels blood sugar: its intake makes it easier to maintain the blood sugar level, so that the glucose spikes that make you hungrier and immediately want to eat do not occur.
It is satiating: so it contributes to the person eating less. You will find more satiating foods in this other article on The best satiating foods.
The result of all this is that oat milk is helpful for losing weight. But you should keep in mind that, to achieve this, this product must be made in the most natural way possible and avoid adding sugar to make it sweeter or artificial sweeteners that are not beneficial for the body.

If you don’t like it or find its bitterness very unpleasant, you can use a little honey or cinnamon, as well as a little extra virgin olive oil.

How to make oat milk without boiling it

Making oat milk at home is not complicated. In fact, it is very easy, you need few ingredients and only a few steps.Ingredients
2 liters of mineral water
300 grams of oat flakes approximately
A little salt
Pour the two liters of water into a container.
Add the oat flakes to this bowl and let it rest for at least two hours.
After that time, with the help of the blender, blend the mixture of mineral water and oat flakes that you have left to rest.
Once it is well blended, strain it to remove the remains of oat flakes that have not been ground well.
The strained liquid is the oat milk to which you have to add a little salt.
Mix everything again so that the salt dissolves well throughout the liquid.
Finally, pour the oat milk into a bottle and store it in the refrigerator.
However, if you want to achieve good results in your figure, it is also very important that you exercise daily. Therefore, you may also be interested in this other article on How to lose weight with exercise.

How to make oat milk with oat flakes – the most filling recipe

Although the previous recipe is the easiest and quickest way to make oat milk, the truth is that there is another way to prepare it. It is not complicated or difficult to make, but it does require more time. The ingredients are the same as in the recipe we discussed in the previous section and some steps are the same. The process is as follows:

Put the water in the container with the oat flakes to let them rest.
After the time has passed, strain the oats well.
In a saucepan on the stove, add the mineral water, the oat flakes that have been soaked and a little salt.
If you don’t like the bitter taste, now is the time to add a little cinnamon or a splash of olive oil. If you opt for honey, it is better to add it just when you are going to drink the oat milk.
Cook the ingredients for approximately 20 minutes over medium heat.
Then, let it sit with the pot covered for about five minutes as if it were an infusion.
Then, pour the mixture into the blender and blend well.
Once blended, strain it with a strainer to remove lumps or pieces of oats that have not been ground well.
With these steps, this oat milk would be ready, which is more satiating because its texture is denser and not as liquid as the previous one or compared to traditional milks.

With these recipes on how to make oat milk to lose weight, we hope at oneHOWTO to have helped you make it easily at home. We advise you that, whenever you want to lose weight, you consult a specialist to indicate the most suitable and healthy guidelines for losing weight for you.

This article is merely informative, at oneHOWTO we do not have the authority to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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