
Rosemary alcohol; removes cellulite, varicose veins, gout and muscle pain

By Lilias

Rosemary alcohol for external use is a fantastic traditional way to benefit from the properties of this plant. It is very easy to make yourself, and rosemary is not difficult to find. It is important to choose rosemary that has not been treated with chemicals and that grows in good, uncontaminated soil.

Rosemary alcohol that is made at home generally has nothing to do with the one you get in pharmacies. Because the one we make at home is by directly macerating the plant, its potency and properties will manifest themselves to their fullest.

These are some ailments that you can relieve with rosemary alcohol:
Rubs on the chest and back against flu and colds.
Circulatory disorders, varicose veins, heavy legs
Against cellulite
As a relaxant in the neck area
Blows and bruises (that do not bleed)
Muscle, joint, rheumatic pain, lumbago, sprain.
Against hair loss.
Seborrheic dermatitis.
In gout.
Preventing pressure ulcers in bedridden people.
For toning massages.
In veterinary medicine, as an antiparasitic and to prevent hair loss.

Natural recipe to prepare rosemary alcohol at home
To make this alcohol, get:
A branch of fresh rosemary, with leaves and flowers
Alcohol to heal wounds
A glass container
The leaves are put into the jar, cut or whole. Then put the alcohol and cover the container to leave for approximately 15 days. It is recommended that it be stored in a dark place. You can shake the bottle every 2 days to ensure that the mixture becomes homogeneous.
After the recommended two weeks, filter the alcohol with a strainer and this liquid is what you will use to start applying it to the areas affected by cellulite. Before applying it, the skin must be exfoliated to ensure that the product will be absorbed more efficiently.

Application Mode
The rosemary alcohol is applied with cotton balls.
Massages should be performed from bottom to top.
The skin must be well wet with the liquid.
Do not leave any space without massaging, remember the back of the legs, under the buttocks.
Leave it on for about ten minutes and then remove with plenty of cold water.
If you want to improve the results, you can apply moisturizing cream at the end of the procedure. When we start this type of treatment, perseverance is the best companion, so do not be discouraged when you do not see instant results. Lots of patience and optimism. Surround yourself with people who are pursuing your same goals to cheer you up when you are feeling down.
IMPORTANT: People with epilepsy problems or pregnant women should be cautious when using rosemary.