
How to Make the World’s Best Moisturizer

By Lesia

This rich, hydrating face and body cream is based on a cream recipe first devised by a Greek physician who lived nearly 2,000 years ago. It’s thick, velvety, and luxurious, leaving your skin incredibly soft and smooth. It’s easy to make, natural cosmetics can also be used to remove makeup, and they’re proven to reduce wrinkles and signs of aging.

Ingredient Notes:
I found the wax at my local health food store, but it can also be found at an art supply store. You can use olive oil, apricot oil, or most other nut oils if you prefer.

The rose water gives the cream a light scent, but for an unscented cream, you can use filtered water. I also found rose water at my local health food store.

1 tablespoon honey (you can leave it out if you want)
8 tablespoons grated beeswax
200 ml almond oil
About 1/2 cup rose water
2 small clean jars or makeup pots
In a small saucepan over low heat, melt the wax and honey in the oil and remove from the heat. Let cool slightly.

Pour the rose water into a small pitcher.

Add the rose water a drop at a time, whisking well between each addition. When you think the cream will no longer accept any more water (the little beads of liquid will refuse to incorporate), stop adding any more and continue to stir for a minute or two while the cream cools.

Pour the mixture into clean jars and let cool completely before placing lids on top. The cream will lighten as it cools.

This makes about 2 small jars. I like to recycle baby food jars, they are the perfect size.