
3 simple and effective tips to revive your orchids

By Lesia

What if you told him with flowers? Sublime and colorful, orchids are the perfect flowers for the occasion. These beautiful plants have a very strong symbolism since they represent strength, beauty, love and luxury. However, they can wilt quickly and it is important to take great care of them. But don’t be sad if they fade since there are 3 simple and effective tips to revive them quickly. Enough to give a touch of life to your interior.

It is therapeutic to have beautiful flowers at home. Seeing them bloom in a pretty vase colors your daily life and orchids emanate a subtle and delicate scent in your home. If unfortunately, they were to fade, there are radical tips to give them a second life. Find out how to protect them and let them bloom magnificently.

A sublime flower
It is one of the most requested plants at the florist because it emanates a scent that has long inspired the creators of bottles. This fragile flower with beautiful colors is pleasant to have at home and conveys an image of beauty and strength. Historical anecdote: In Ancient Greece, women were convinced that if the father of their unborn child ate large and new tubers, the latter would be a boy. Conversely, if the mother ate small ones, she would be expecting a girl.

This plant is also offered to them on the fourteenth wedding anniversary. A flower therefore, with multiple symbols that still has a bright future ahead of it. However, it remains fragile and requires precise care to keep it alive. Generating new shoots and making it bloom continuously is a difficult challenge that 3 simple and effective tips can help to overcome.

How can I give my orchids a second life?
Feed them! Many of us forget to water our plants. However, they need much more water than you might think. Change the water in your vase every two days and give your beautiful orchids liquid fertilizers every 15 days.

Get some rich in phosphorus and potassium from your nursery. When these flowers bloom, stop feeding them and reduce the frequency of hydration. A break that allows you to witness the hatching of new shoots.

Let there be light!
If flowers need water to live, the sun is also vital for all plants. The autumn sun is ideal for these wonders because the rays are soft and transmit the energy to make the plant bloom. So choose this season to invite it into your home and you can even bring them outside.

Create a thermal shock
Thermal shock consists of exposing your beautiful orchids to two different climates, hot and cold. Unlike other flowers, the latter does not make them wilt but rather helps them to flourish. This will also contribute to the growth of new stems. When it is 15 degrees, you can take your vase out all day.

When evening falls, bring them inside and repeat this gesture for 15 days. However, it is important to be careful not to expose these sublime plants to heat, including heating. However, if the temperature in your home exceeds 20°C, place them in cool places. Basic gestures to keep these plants at home for as long as possible.

A piece of happiness at home
If the virtues of gardening are established from a psychological point of view, having flowers in your home is also a way of taking care of yourself. Beauty is important to feel good at home and it also allows us to express our creativity with floral arrangements that you can adapt to your tastes.

Each flower carries a symbolism.
The rose, for example, translates love and passion. Hydrangea can mean gratitude and recognition. Iris, on the other hand, carries a sense of wisdom, courage and hope. Giving and receiving flowers is also a relational act that creates strong bonds between those who exchange them. Did you know that the peony, for example, can connote romance or regret? Ambivalences that you can translate with these wonders of nature that never cease to captivate us.